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Jungkook fell asleep and the two were cuddled up. Jungkook was peacefully sleeping, Taehyung not so much...

Jungkook woke up to hearing crying, he looked down to the boy in his arms, and saw tears falling down his face. He shifted around so he could look at the boys face, he started to shake the boy, trying to get him to wake up.

"Tae? Tae baby? Wake up" the boy stayed silent

"Pup? Pup wake up" Jungkook asked louder

"Princess? Wake up please" Jungkook asked even louder while shaking the boy. He saw the boy open his eyes, "thank god your awake, baby? Do you wa-"

Taehyung started screaming, "get away from me!"

"Hey its just me ba-"

"No! No! Leave me alone! I want Jungkook!"

"Taehyung, calm down. It's-"

Taehyung started flailing his arms around and hitting Jungkook in the chest and head, "N-n-no please don't. I don't want this, I just want Jungkook" He spoke in a quieter tone, crying even harder

Jungkook managed to catch the youngers arms and held them up to lips, kissing them repeatedly and putting them up to his face, nuzzling into them. "Shhhh shhhh, its okay, im right here pup." Taehyung went silent, he was still crying but wasn't yelling and flailing his arms everywhere. Jungkook pulled him into his chest and hugged him close.

Soon taehyung calmed down and went silent, closing his eyes, still slightly crying and breathing hard. Jungkook laid down again, holding the younger close and combed his fingers through his hair in a soothing manner. Jungkook soon fell asleep.

Jungkook awoke to feeling a weight on his chest, he opened his eyes and saw a smiling face looking down at him. "Good morning pup, why are you so smiley this morning?"

"Well yesterday in the car you promised me that you would take me to i-hop for pancakes"

"Ok baby, but then we need to stop somewhere afterwards"

"where?" he asked tilting his head to the side

"don't worry your pretty little head about it angel, now lets go get ready for the day. Ill help you." Jungkook picked the older up and brought him to the shower and the two bathed and changed. After that Jungkook brought him out to the car.

They got to the restaurant, and Jungkook opened up the back of the car and pulled out the wheelchair and brought it over to Tae's side he then placed Tae in the chair and the two of them into the restaurant. Once they were seated, they started looking at the menu, Tae was bouncing up and down in his seat. "Oh! Can I get the cupcakes pancakes?" he put the puppy dog eyes on, he knew that Jungkook couldn't resist them. 

"Of course you can pup" Tae was really giddy about it and while he was playing on his phone, Jungkook set up an appointment for the younger to find out what was going on with the nightmare that he had last night.

"what can I get you two?"

"We'll get one set of cupcake pancakes, and one 2x2x2." the women wrote this down, and then looked up too Jungkook.

"Ok sweetie, how do you want your eggs?" the women said in a flirty tone

"I'll have them over medium" Jungkook said completely ignorant to the flirty tone

"Ok, and-"

"Wait, kookie can you get them scrambled? They taste better like that"

"Of course. Ma'am, can we get them scrambled instead"

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