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It is so immeasurable to try to count the stars
But, I did try to give it a shoot, soon I have fallen
into asleep upon the sea of dreams.
Aw, the ideas that pour inside my head,
where the night is hollow, and the ship rocks,
I start to grumble and sigh.
I started smelling the decaying of the decayed,
everything darkens, and the stars no longer shined,
I hear muttering in the sail of time.
I see my stationary all over the place,
soon, I hear a big blast that broken the hourglass,
where the waterfalls flow into the sea of dreams.
The thwarting winds are muttered around making
things scream in these darken dreams as if it is spreading
rumors and lies all over the torrents of the sea.
I felt I was in an odyssey of war, leaving me bewildered
in very deep emotions that left me forlorn.
I would see the shooting of lighting move across the sky.
As the old ship sails upon the angry seas, I pray for
clear blue skies, yet, I am still lost in a darken dream,
I feel my heart pumping very fast.
I feel the weight of the world pushing on my mind.
I felt so alone, I cried and I cried, but I don't really
know for how long.

- Judy Emery © 2014 The Queen Of Darken Dreams Poetic Lilly Emery

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