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A life without you is hard this isn't a dream,
Why, do things have to be this away.
My life is slowly slipping without you
Don't you see it is too cold for angels to fly
this doesn't feel right,
Oh, take my hand, stay...

Oh! Please don't go, it is too cold outside
for angels to fly...
I know heaven is calling you, Yet, I am too.
Don't you see, what you are doing to me
every part of my heart is aching
I'm breaking deep within
I know this isn't a sin.

I need you so much more than the angels.
Oh! The life you, without dreams, would be so cruel.
Where do you think you are going? I need you too,
If you could only see what you are doing to me
would it change anything?

If you could reach out and take my hand
and tell me you'd stay, I would feel so much better.
If you could talk to me again
my spirit would fly on high with you.
But I know things don't work that way.
I know it's getting that time for me to say my goodbyes
I promised I will give it a try, but not right now,
because all I can do is cry., I miss you being in my life.

Is this a dream? If so someone wakes me,
I try to speak but my voice gets thin.
Oh, if you could only see what you have done to me
would it have changed anything?

- Judy Emery © 2018
The Queen Of Darken Dreams Poetic Lilly Emery

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