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"Flowers grow back, even after they're stepped on, so will I

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"Flowers grow back, even after they're stepped on, so will I."

Upon waking, Adelaide burrowed herself into the warm, soft sheets. She rubbed the remainders of sleep from her eyes and propped herself up so she was in a sitting position. Adelaide covered her face with her hands and sighed. Slowly and reluctantly, she uncover her face. She blinked , close her eyes, and blinked again. Streaks of sunlight penetrate the window and blind her. She sat up, dragging her feet off the bed, and rubbing her knuckles onto her eyes. Adelaide stretched her arms above her head and yawned. She watched her legs dangle above the hard wood floor.

Suddenly the door opened, making Adelaide jump slightly before turning her attention to the head that popped in from the crack in the door.

"I made breakfast," Darry said while he gave her a small smile. "If your hungry."

"I'll be down in a minute."

He only nodded before slowly shutting the door, the room, again, becoming silent. After a moment of sitting on the soft mattress she got up, dragging her feet across the tile floor to her bag that was still in the spot where Darry left it the night before. She picked out a yellow sundress with black strappless flats and a loose white cardigan. The creamy sheets of the yellow dress slipped onto her shoulders, peppering her body with soft, sensual kisses.

Adelaide stared into the cheap mirror. It wasn't even glass, she thought. Her once stunning golden ringlets now vaguely resembled a birds nest and any bows or clips that had once held them in place were long gone. The mascara she applied last night was under her eyes from crying, and her bruises were faintly showing. You could only see them if you look closely. She reapplied her makeup, making sure the brusies were covered, before she started down the hall towards the kitchen. The smell of pancakes wafted throughout the house making Adelaide slightly smile.

She walked into the kitchen, the aroma getting stronger and she foudn the source. There was a kitchen full of pancakes, different styles of eggs, crisp bacon, and, of course, chocolate cake. As Adelaide walked in she could already feel the room getting quite and tense of her presence.

"What is she still doing her, dar?"

"Shut it will ya," Darry said in a tone of annoyance and irritation. "She's staying, get over it."

Adelaide sat in the only empty seat and it was next to the shy kid with jet black hair and the same dirty jean jacket with the collar up right. Darry held a plate towards her, there was one pancake, scramble eggs, and one piece of bacon. She hesitantly took it as she felt eyes on her from the seven boys around her.


Adelaide felt cold wind stroking her skin as she walked the streets of Tulsa. As a few teardrops appeared in the corners of her eyes, the young girl continued walking while her arms were tight around her small stomach. Fear sat heavy on her heart as she walked as fast as she could. Eyes plastered to the floor, she stared at her shoes. The cold painted bright red on her cheeks and the wind threw her hair around aimlessly.

Suddenly, Adelaide stopped when she noticed the familiar red head on the opposite side of the street that she was walking on. Her red hair was in complimented curls that bounced when she walked and she seemed to be dressed in a single purple garment which fell to her knees, and appeared to fit tightly about her body, with a maroon colored cardigan. Once the red head spotted Adelaide her eyes lit up and she smiled with eagerness.

Then she began to call her name, getting ever louder, until some passyber's heads were turned in her direction. She ran across the street, clapping her hands and jumping up and down. She wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her close, gently rubbing her arm. Despite the heaviness in her stomach, it fluttered at the feeling of her body pressed against her's. She sunk into the warmth of her side, appreciative of the simple gesture. Suddenly, there was no problems, no greasers, no socs,  no parents.

"I've missed you so much," Cherry exclaimed while she pulled away from the hug but still had her hands on Adelaide's shoulders. "Where have you been?!"

"I don't live at home anymore."

"I heard what happened," She said with a sad smile. "Where are you living now."

Adelaide didn't want to lie to cherry but she couldn't tell her she was living on the east side with greasers, especially since she's had encounters with bad greasers. It's not that Adelaide was embarrassed or ashamed she was living on the east side, in fact, she actually liked it, except, of course the boys she lived with. They all hated her because she was a soc, except maybe Darry.

"Oh," Adelaide laughed nervously. "You wouldn't know them."

"Are you coming back to school?"

"Yeah," she said. "Maybe in a couple days, The social worker wants me to get used to my new home before I go back to school."

"Ok, well," Cherry tucked a piece of her red hair behind her ear that had a diamond earing hanging from the loob. "We should catch up sometime."

"Yeah, I would like that."

"Well, I've gotta go," cherry smiled showing her white teeth. "See you around, Addie."

"Yeah, see ya."

Cherry walked off in the opposite direction, her curls bouncing up and down while her hips swayed side to side ever step she took, her heels clicking on the side walk. Adelaide sighed in relief as she turned around but was quickly met with the familiar chocolate brown eyes and leather jacket. Dallas Winston.

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