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"Even my darkness, shines for you

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"Even my darkness, shines for you."

"How is she doing, Doctor?" Darry said nervously as he got up from the stool in the waiting room along with the rest of the gang who were just as anxious as him.

"I knew this would happen if anyone came in," She muttered while she looked at the clipboard she was holding. "She's going to be ok, she just can't move much."

"thank you," Darry said as to the doctor with a small nod. "Ma'am."

"She's ok, guys," Darry turned to the gang were standing behind him anxious to hear the news on Adelaide. "She just can't move much right now so we can't see her just yet."

"So she's not going to die?" Two-Bit said while a small grin appeared on his face.

"Nope, She's not going to die, Two."


Adelaide laid on the thin white sheets with her hands clenched and her breathing was unsteady. the door opened causing her blue eyes to open and she peered from the bed before letting her head fall heavily on the pillow when she saw the doctor walk in. The doctor entered with a small smile, her black hair tied low in a pony tail. Adelaide sat up a little higher to get a better look. She was Indian looking with large brown eyes, neatly lined in black. She spoke with an american accent and with her hands. With each word the fine fingers would flourish into the stagnant hospital air like birds, then settle as she listened to the answer like she had all the time in the world and nothing could interest her more than what Adelaide had to say. the doctor was younger than she had expected but somehow she didn't mind much anymore. Before the woman left she stopped at the end of Adelaide's bed as she paused to check the chart and then allowed her face to crack into a wide grin.

"Lucky for you," She said in a angelic type voice. "You can leave in three days."

"Thank you, doctor."

"Just doing my job, sweetheart."

When the doctor left, leaving Adelaide alone again, she closed her eyes and tried to fall asleep. Unaware of her own heart beating or the rise and fall of her chest, she drifted into semi-consciousness. The tension that had kept her up melted into nothing, she started to drift out of consciousness when shouting rent the air. What was once peaceful became polluted with rage and loud shouting from behind the door that kept Adelaide secluded, alone. The arguing came right through the walls as loud as any TV show. The arguing had a dull exhaustion to it, like they'd been over the same bitterness too many times before.

"She's my daughter," A familiar voice yelled causing Adelaide's heart to start racing inside her chest. "I'm allowed to see her, let me see her!"

Adelaide's mothers voice tore through her like a great shard of glass. She felt her blue eyes widen and pulse quicken, while her heart was thudding like a rock rattling in box. Next thing Adelaide knew the door opened but fast and with enough force to drive the door into the plaster opposite. Adelaide's mother stood, her breathing suspended, and a look of hatred in her eyes and she holds still, staring at Adelaide, eyes locked right on her's.

"You little brat," She sneered in exasperation. "You did this, your ruined everything, How could you do this!?"

The words Adelaide wanted to say couldn't come out as she stared into those bright blue eyes burning with anger, and her heart fell silent.

"Answer me!" she roared as she pointed a shaky finger in Adelaide's face.

But Adelaide couldn't will her lips to move, to do anything besides hang open in shock as if stuck underwater, everything was slow and warbled.

"Do you have nothing to say? I have poured my heart out to you, now tell me what you're thinking!"

But her mind was blank and her blue eyes wide as she stared at her in horror. Adelaide's mother desperately searched into her, waiting. I had to say something! Adelaide screamed at herself.

Adelaide searched her mind for something reasonable to say, but to her surprise her heart answered for her,

"I love you, Mom."

"Don't ever say that again," she growled; her eyes completely turning black and dangerous. "Not ever."

"Why mom," Adelaide sat up from where she was once laying. "I can't say 'I love you', because then I would be lying. I hate myself for loving you even though you don't give shit about me."

"Don't talk to me like that-"

"Like what? Huh, tell me what I did wrong!"

Her hand cracks across Adelaide's face, snapping it back with the force of her blow and causing Adelaide's head to reel sickeningly as it slams into the wall behind her causing black dots to cover her vision.

"I am your mother!"

"No," Adelaide fumed with rage. "You haven't been my mother in years, not since what happened!"

"You don't speak of that!"

Before Adelaide could respond the door swung open, yet again hitting the wall behind it, revealing two police officers with perfectly ironed uniforms. They grabbed Adelaide's mother by the arms and dragged her out of the hospital room while she shot daggers with her eyes and yelling cuss words at the girl who sat there terrified holding her bruised cheeck.


After the police had came barreling in and took away Adelaide's dead beat mother the gang had came in minutes afterward.

"Hey Adelaide," Ponyboy said as he sat in the seat next to the hospital bed. "How you doing?"

"Fine, I guess."

"Look Adelaide," Sodapop spoke up as he walked closer to the hospital bed. "We came to apologize and that's what were gonna do."

"Yeah, c'mon," Two-bit pleaded.
"Can't you forgive us? Everyone makes mistakes. And hey, not everyone apologizes for them!"

Adelaide was surprised that the greasers were persistent on her forgiveness. She pondered on wether to forgive them and they could all live happily ever after, but life didn't work that way.

"Y'know I can't just forgive you straight away," Adelaide said while tilting her head. "Forgiveness takes time."

"We got all the time in the world, sweetheart." Dallas Winston said as he leaned up against the white polished wall.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2020 ⏰

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