25. Don't Hold On

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~I never actually got to post this...but anyways...borrowed from "R&J," Big Bang's "Love Dust," and Shin Seun Hun's "To Heaven."

Why won't you

let me go?

Even here from


I can see your teast

Tears that

can't bring me back

tears that are spilt

in vain

Just let me slip

into the darkness

knowing you will wait

for the next world

or hope

we are born again

to reunite.

My love, 

don't cry,

don't grieve

for your loss

for "much of grief

shows still some want

of wit"

don't cease 

to shine

upon the world

like a sun

so bright as to dim

those fire flowers

blooming in the dark

don't hold on

to me

and I will

turn to dust

and your tears

to smoke

dancing, dancing

away towards the heavens

We will meet 

again, once more

from the breath

of this spring

soon to bring snow

until then

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