Chapter 1

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Anne glanced down at her letter.

       "Dear Gilbert, I love you" She read aloud. "No, no, no, no, no!" She muttered in annoyance, "I need to start off with something," She spent many hours questioning what to write as her first letter to her frie- wait no BOYfriend. Anne smiled to herself, remembering what had happened a mere 5 hours ago. GILBERT BLYTHE, the boy she had been hopelessly in love with for weeks, was her BOYFRIEND.

       She glanced down at the letter she had composed and decided it was the best she could do at the moment.

"My Dearest Gilbert,

       I look like my mother, but more on that later.Oh, Gilbert. Today must have been the best day of my entire life! Two of the very happiest things ever happened today! As for follow up questions, I have EVER so many! I wish to tell you all about this day but first I will begin with something that happened directly after you left.

       So, you had just left and I was happy, yet dreadfully sad you were leaving for the U of T! Matthew and Marilla came over and walked me to a bench and said they had a surprise! I was ever so excited, their surprises were always amazing.

       Matthew, my dear sweet Matthew, pulled out a book called "The language of Flowers" Doesn't that title give you such a thrill to say? I opened the book and saw a beautifully written note, between my mother and father! Marilla flipped to the back of the book and smiled the happiest smile at me, for there was a portrait of my mother! 

       I look just like her! She looked so beautiful in the book. I do wish very much that I could have met her! But I know they loved me very much, and that is one of the best things that could have happened, and would have by itself made this day so very happy. Yet, somehow this day was made even happier.

       I was strolling around town earlier when I saw none other than Winnie herself! I am very sorry to say that I had ripped your letter up in anger the other day, so I had no idea that you had separated! I gathered up my courage and put a fake smile on my face. I walked over and asked her if she was heading to Paris, and she fumed up like I have never seen one do before!

       She started saying things like "I TRUSTED HIM" and such, which confused me a great deal! I told her sorry and told her I wished you two a good life together and turned to leave. She called me back and found that I knew absolutely nothing! She apologized for being angry with me and told me all of what happened. Winnie truly is such a sweet girl and I feel ever so sorrowful that I disliked her so.

       After she finished explaining, she told me to go catch you and we wished each other luck. I ran as fast as I could to my room, grabbed some coins for the train and ran out the door. You wouldn't BELIEVE how shocked I was to see you outside my door. I was in shock. When I walked down and you kissed me, it felt like a billion fireworks were going off. I was so surprised that you kissed me, I had to pinch myself to make sure it was true! I am sorry to have scared you though.

      I must get going to bed now! Hope to see you soon

                 Much love,

                          Anne Shirley-Cuthbert

       Anne glanced over the letter she had written. It was definently not the best, but she was sure Gilbert would appreciate it either way. Quickly, she slipped on shoes and ran to give the letter to the mail station. She just couldn't wait a moment longer! As she slipped under her covers that night, the last thought to cross her mind was her incredible kiss with Gilbert. All was good.


Gilberts POV, U of T

-Earlier that day-

       Gilbert was in shock. He had the silliest smile plastered onto his face, Bash surely would be teasing him at this very moment. "Bash" Gilbert whispered. He had to write him. Gilbert didn't want to tell him about his amazing kiss with Anne yet, he wanted to say that in person. Gilbert quickly wrote a letter explaining that he would be back to visit that upcoming weekend.

-U of T room, just after Anne's letter arrived-

       Gilbert raced upstairs to his small room with a small piece of paper in his hand. This was no ordinary piece of paper, it was Gilbert's first letter from Anne!

        The second Gilbert sat down, he carefully opened the treasure. His face lit up at the words "My dearest Gilbert" As Gilbert continued reading the letter, his smile somehow grew larger and larger until it looked as though it was about to burst off his face and fly away.

       Gilbert finished the letter with a content sigh. He doubted with his entire being that he would EVER get used to the fact that Anne loved him. He glanced at the clock that said 7:58. He had been happily reading and re-reading the letter for FOUR HOURS. He decided to write a letter back to Anne. 

         My Sweet Anne,

       I have missed you so very much, even though it has only been 4 days. You couldn't dream of how I long to here your sweet voice, see your beautiful smile light up the dark, cold days. I realized after reading your letter that you never read mine! I felt at the time that you disliked me so very much, and this letter may be sorrowful, but here it is:

      " Dear Anne,

       Since we are parting ways, perhaps forever, I feel I must unburden my heart. You are the fond object of my affection and desire. You and you alone are the keeper of the key to my heart. Please, don't be alarmed, I don't expect your favor, but I can't in good conscience not reveal myself. I'm not engaged, nor will I be, unless it's to you Anne. My Anne with An E. It always has been, and always will be, you.

                                  With Love,


       After that letter, you can not BELIEVE how ecstatic I was to find you did indeed return that favor. When you kissed me back that day I too felt as if I was about to explode in joy. I am surprised you felt the same as I am likely a bad kisser, am I? Sorry, that's a strange question, I just can't stop feeling as if I am and I want you to be happy. 

       I best get going now. And Anne, always remember, no matter what anybody says, I love you with my entire heart and will always be there for you.

                                  See you soon,


       And with that, the two teens, although miles apart, fell asleep at the same time, after the same content sigh. 





      Please tell me how that was (If anybody sees this)! This was my first time writing anything whatsoever and I hope it didn't have HORRIBLE grammar lol. Comment any ideas for future chapters/if there should be future chapters. Hopefully I will publish soon, if not then something must have come up. Love you guys, bye. Also votes/follows appreciated! Also chapter name suggestions :)

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