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~Kirishima's POV~

"Come on bakubro I can tell you're tired" I joked, poking his side and sitting on the couch in the common room.

"Stop calling me bro you damn nerd" he growled and I chuckled making grabbing hands towards him.

He sat down beside me and I figured that was as much physical attention I was going to get today so I stopped pushing.

"Wanna watch the rest of our show?" He asked

I smiled brightly and nodded my head

Suddenly he turned his back towards me and laid back so his head was on my lap and his phone was visible for both of us to see.  He gave me one of his headphones to put in while he put in the other.

I smiled to myself a little and started playing with his hair every now and then while we watched greys anatomy.

The door found open and a bunch of our classmates came running in from the cold. I mentally cringed, hoping they would just be on their way and not get Bakugo riled up.

"Hey Kiri" Kaminari greeted and I smiled

"I-Is that Bakugo?" Mineta asked and I gave a thumbs up, smiling.

"Why is he so....calm?" He asked and Mina ran over to get them both out of the room

"Thanks Mina" I lightly spoke and she smiled as they turned the corner.

"What the fuck do you mean?! The baby is gonna die if they do that!" Bakugo screamed and I face palmed

So much for keeping him calm.

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