The show

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~Kiri's POV~

"Please I just want a little kiss" I pleaded and he shook his head

"No. There's people who could see us" he growled and I tilted my head, furrowing my eyebrows

I didn't understand, I thought since we were together now I would get kisses or even a hug.

Well he only said no because he didn't want people to see him?

Everyone knows he's gay. He came out 2 months ago.

Maybe he just doesn't want people seeing him kiss me.

He's ashamed of me.

"Oh" I replied, looking down at my feet. I feel like I'm about to cry and I really don't want Bakugo to see.

"I'm sorry" I all but whispered and quickly turned, walking up to my room.

"Where are you going" he growled and a shiver went up my spine as I stopped walking

"Just to my room. I'm kinda tired." I told him and continued walking. I just need time to think.

~Bakugo's POV~

His room? Kiri always asks to sleep in my room. Come to think of it I don't remember the last time I slept alone.

Actually I'm pretty sure since we moved into the dorms the first night Kiri was knocking on my door because he couldn't sleep so I let him sleep in my room so we could talk for-

"Yo who is Kiri crying?!" Pikachu asked, walking into the common room

Kiri? Crying?

"What the fuck do you mean?!" I yelled

"I don't know I passed him on the way down here but he wouldn't tell me what's up, said he wanted to be left alone" he shrugged with a slight frown

I rolled my eyes at him and started walking straight to his dorm

By the time I got there I could feel a thin layer of sweat on my palms, I wasn't sure how to go about this. Kiri, my Kiri, was on the other side of the door, crying and I don't know how to deal with it. God I'm such an idiot.

"Baby, it's me, can you open up?" I called out, knocking softly.

"G-Go away Bakugo." He sniffled and my stomach clenched

Bakugo? He never calls me that

"Please let me in, you don't have to tell me what's wrong just- just let me hold you" I pleaded and it was silent for a long moment before I heard the door unlock.

He didn't open it so I walked in and saw him climbing back into his bed, red cheeks and teary eyes,  with just a few loose tears running down his cheeks.

"Oh Kiri" I frowned, climbing in his bed and wrapping my arms around him as he turned to face the wall.

We laid there in silence for awhile, with the occasional sniff from him.

I'm not sure what he's upset about

Everything has been good, we officially started dating 4 days ago but it was a long time coming. We've practically acted like a couple since the second month of school. It just wasn't.....official.

"Ei, baby, do you want to tell me what's wrong?" I asked, trying to make my usually angry voice, soft.

"No you'll be mad" he cried and I shushed him pulling him closer

"I won't, I promise."

"Well it's kinda stupid, I feel like a baby for even crying about it- so what if you're ashamed of me. I'd rather have you in secret than not at all." He finished and I furrowed my eyebrows, sitting up.

What was he talking about? Ashamed of him? Where the fuck did he get that idea??

"Kirishima." I stated to get his attention but he didn't look at me, squeezing his eyes shut.

"Look at me" I tried again and moved his chin gently towards me.

He opened his eyes and I felt like I was going to be sick with how sad he looked. My eyes started to sting and I blinked rapidly to make it go away.

"Why the fuck do you think I'm ashamed of you?" I asked and he shrugged

"It's just- I know you are and that's okay, I'll be okay just please don't leave me" he cried again, grabbing my hand in his.

"Baby" I soothed, squeezing the hand I was holding and bringing it closer to me.

"I'm not going anywhere. As long as you want me I will be here" I promised

"And I'm most definitely not ashamed of you" I said, feeling the tears on my own cheeks as well now

"Then why won't you kiss me or even touch me in front of anyone" he snapped


He thinks I don't want anyone to know we're in a relationship.

"Kiri no, that's not it. Oh god I'm such an idiot" I cursed to myself and pulled him into a hug.

I don't deserve him

"I- I just didn't want to deal with all of the teasing and the jokes and everyone trying to stick their business in my relationship. I didn't mean for you to think- " I trailed off, not knowing what to say.

"Come on" I whispered, grabbing his hand

He gave me a confused look, the frown still on his face. His eyes were bloodshot and he had tear stains on his cheeks but he looked adorable

I dragged him down stairs, ignoring the questions he was asking.

I needed to do this. For Kiri. For our relationship. For me.

" hello" I spoke, gritting my teeth to keep from yelling to get their attention

Once they were all looking at me I glanced at Kiri and then back to everyone else.

"Me and Kirishima are dating" I blurted and he blushed.

I quickly pulled him close to me, kissing him deeply. I moved my hand from his back down to his ass, giving a little squeeze and he yelped into the kiss.

I pulled away, turning to see the dumbstruck idiots.

"Well that was quite the show" Mineta blurted and I growled, pulling Kiri closer.

"I'm so happy for you guys" Mina yelled, everyone else joining in.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2020 ⏰

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