Chapter 6

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"Ok," said the announcer as they all filed into the room, "before we begin, let me just go over a few rules."

"Here's the boring part." Whispered Oak to Cardan. "They say really silly stuff like don't wear your vest on your head and they tell you not to run. Jude never listens to that rule."

"Jude doesn't tend to listen to any rules." Said Cardan loud enough for Jude to overhear. She kicked him in the back of the knee and he fell flat on his face.

The announcer looked up from his script and asked Cardan if he was ok. "I'm fine." Said Cardan. "I just tripped." At those words he glared at Jude. She smiled sweetly at him and offered him her hand. Cardan looked suspiciously at her then he grabbed her hand. Instead of letting her pull him up, he yanked on her arm and she toppled over, landing on his chest. "I didn't know that you wanted to do this now." He whispered to her. "If that's what you want though..." he was cut off by a well placed punch in the gut. 

Jude got up and dragged a coughing Cardan to his feet. The announcer, who seemed to be oblivious to all that had just happened kept talking. When he was done with his safety speech, he led them to another darkened room the only difference being that there were black lights. Unluckily for Jude, Taryn and Heather, the lights didn't do anything to help their eyesight. 

Many times, Jude had complained to Vivi about not being able to see well in the dark. Vivi would just laugh and say something like, "you should've eaten more of those carrot sticks when we lived in the mortal world."

Once they had all of their gear strapped on, they had ten seconds to go and hide somewhere before the game started. Jude took off towards the stairs and ducked behind a corner at the top just before the timer went off announcing the start of the game.

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