Chapter 1

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Authors note// hello fellow homo sapiens, this is our first book, please go easy on us because we arent pro authors we are just new to this..... thanks xoxo love ya (btw there are 2 peeps writing this book so yeah......... deal with it! )

Samantha P.O.V

'Riley Darcy Morgan, get your ass down here right now!' I yelled from the bottom of the stairs.

'Coming! Geez, you're worse than my mother.' Riley yelled while running down the stairs and going straight to her bag. She unzipped it and started throwing stuff everywhere.

'Hey Sam, do you know where my phone is?' 

'In your pocket.' I answered grabbing the keys and heading for the door.

'Thanks' Riley mumbled picking up her stuff walking out the door.

I closed the door and followed my best friend to the car. Riley got in the drivers seat and I passed her the keys. She started my black Mercedes Benz and drove out the drive. Riley was a terrible driver she drove way to fast. I dont know how she got her license. She sped down the street while I was scared for my life.

'SLOW DOWN!!!!!!!!!!! I DONT WANNA DIE LIKE THIS!!!!!' I cried while clinging to my seatbelt. I dont know why I even let her drive.

'Calm your tits! I'll slow down just for you grandma.' Riley slowed down and then I felt at peace.

'Hey do you have cheerleading practice today?' I asked Riley.

'Shit I forgot, it doesnt matter anyway since I got detetion for getting spotted while doing the senior prank.' Riley said with a shrug.

Last week some seniors did the start of year prank which ended up Riley getting spotted for going overboard with the graffiti in the principles office writting mother f*cka. It was quite funny. They made her paint the wall as well as get detention. We finally arrived at school, surviving another day with Rileys driving.

'Hey Riley! Sam! What up bitches?' I hear a very excited girl yell. I turn around to see Payton leaning against the car across us.

'Hey Payton! Where's Bryce?' I ask walking across the road to hug her.

'He is sick.' She says hugging me then turns to Riley who is skating towards us on her skateboard.

'and he sends his love.' Payton says to Riley while winking.

Bryce is Paytons older brother who is dating Riley and has been for the past year. Im kinda glad that I dont have to third wheel them today. I laughed shaking my head. Riley and Payton chatted for a bit about Ryan's party, which was tonight, of course most of the school was going except me. I plan on eating lots of Ben and Jerry's while watching netflix. I felt a hand wrap around my shoulder and pull me into a hug. I familiarised the scent and hugged Joel back.

'Hey Sammy.' He said.

'Joel, hey.' I say letting go from the hug.

The three of us walk in while Riley skates next to us.

'Wheels up.' Says Mr. Matthews to Riley, Mr. Matthews was an old hag of a teacher.

Riley picked her skateboard up, and walked joining in our conversation. The bell went and we parted to our lockers.

'What do you have first period?' Riley asked.

'Double maths.' I groaned while getting my maths textbook out.

'I got drama so be jealous.' She said while sticking her tongue out.

Riley was your obvious sports star, she was head cheerleader and good at every sport she tried. I was the opposite, I was a booknerd and did really well in the school work department.

'Well I will see you later, don't want to get Mrs. Phillips angry.' I said laughing.

Mrs. Phillips was by far the oldest and grumpiest teacher at our school. No one can make her laugh let alone crack a smile.

'Bye, girl.' Riley said walking the opposite way.

I walked towards my class joining Payton in class. I was lucky the bell rang after I entered otherwise Mrs Phillips would've killed me!

'Hey bitch, did you hear about the new boy? Apparently he is attractive and in our class.' She said squealing I laughed at her and sat in the back row.

'Students go to page 67 in your textbook and do the answers.' Said the grumpy old lady walking in and putting her bag on the desk.

I opened my textbook and started on the numerous questions. I was focusing on my question when the door opened and walking inside was a person I hadn't seen before.

'Students meet Jack Harries, go sit over near Miss. Samantha Ryan.' Mrs. Phillips said pointing to the empty spot next to me.

The boy nodded and head over to the seat next to me.

'Hello I am jack.' He said his British accent.

'Samantha, but call me Sam.' I said holding my hand out. He smiled and shook it firmly.

'Well, now you guys know each other get back to learning.' Mrs. Phillips.


Omg what a chapter! Does anyone else have a teacher like Mrs Phillips? Hope you enjoyed the chapter and please comment on what needs improving! xoxo

My twin brotherOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz