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I want to die
I want to hang myself
Forever close my eyes
Never breath again
Just move towards the light

Just fall asleep
But no alarm could wake me up
Slit my wrists
Until my heart begins to stop
Slowly beating but there's not enough blood

And I bleed out
Like my body going through a drought
Let the pain escape my body
Will it work
I have no doubts

2 weeks ago
My mum took the blade I use to cut
My skin is itching, begging for the blood
Can't sleep at night
And I want to give up

I'll leave a note
To my dearest friends and "family"
I wrote
In the diary my mother demanded to see
I cried as I read her pages 1 then 2 then 3

She didn't care
She thinks she's helping
But I'm pushed towards the edge
Will CAMHS do shit I don't know
And I'm scared
Sure I have friends
But I really, really want my life to end
I already pretty much feel dead

I'd rather feel pain
than feeling nothing everyday
Every single fucking day I feel the same
But every single hour I feel way worse

And my scars are healing but I need to make more
I'm limited
With what I can do
And I'm depressed
Just stay in my room
And rewrite my note

And when it's perfect
When I've got every detail included
I'll place it on my desk and I will sign it
I'll slip my head through the knot and jump
And I'll be gone
My family will certainly move on
My "attention seeking" will finally be done

I want to die

This was written as a song btw but I haven't gotten the notes right for my guitar accompaniment. also I can't sing so I probably won't sing it.

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