Still too fat

35 3 0

Ate 1 Apple that's all everyday
Half an apple on Saturday
Drink nothing but water
Lie to my parents
Say I'm eating

But I'm not
Every Sunday
Step on the scale
See the numbers go down
From 40kg to 38kg
And even if it was 33
It wouldn't be enough for me

I know it's wrong
I know it's bad
I know I have an issue
But none the less
I'm given food then spit it into tissue

I must not eat
I must not eat
I'm already too fat
I must not eat
I must not eat
I feel like I'm Obese

Every Sunday
Wrap the measuring tape
Tight around my waist
Waiting for the inches to reduce
Further everyday
Writing it down
Keeping track
I know I'm "underweight"
But all I see in the mirror
Is fat and heavy weight

And when I eat more than I should
I punish myself in return
No food for 2 weeks this time
Place your arm upon the stove to burn
Thursday is the only day we're I'll eat 3 proper meals
But I always think
I'm still too fat

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