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This is like a 2 way poem the stuff in bold is my anxiety and the stuff in normal writing is me

Stay inside
Why school starts in half an hour
Stay inside
But if  I'm late again my mum will kill me
Stay inside
I want to go to school and see my friends
Friends ?
You really think they're your friends
They are...
Aren't they ?
No you fat pig they hate you
Oh but-
They only tolerate you so you don't go and kill yourself
No they really like m-
They don't
Who in their right minds would choose to be friends with you
I'm not going to listen to you I'm going to school
*on the way*
There's a rapist in that bush
Is there ?
No but I just love to make you squirm your never safe everybody knows your dirty little secret you fat slut
It wasn't my fault I didn't want that to happen
But it did and it's your issue if it's not your fault why won't you tell other people FAGGOT
Im not a faggot don't call me that my friends do care that's why they're my friends
They don't care you're going to come home today and cry and cut yourself and if you don't you kill yourself do you understand
Why don't my friends like me
Why do you think first of all they're not your friends second of all you're and annoying little bitch and third of all why WOULD they like YOU
I guess your right
Your about to crash
We're at school are you blind
Then look we're your fucking going
Stop your making me cry
That's my job also it's so obvious all you ever do is cry and everybody knows that
Why me why do you attack me
Because your the one who's messed everything up for your "friends" and your "parents" you can't even manage a day without having a mental breakdown
You're a worthless piece of trash
I know
You should stop eating
I haven't eaten in 10 days and I'm really hungry
Drink water you can eat when your not so fat anymore
Please I'm really hungry
What a shame other people get hungry but they're not fat
I'm under weight
Then exercise and gain some muscle you twiggy shit
Please no I'm hungry and last time I didn't eat and exercise I passed out
Do you want to be fat
That's what I thought now smile stop looking like such a depressed bitch
Ok sorry
No wonder you have no friends

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