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Me: Stop knocking
Depression: Why
I won't let you in
But your my favourite
We're practically twins
I'm going to bed
Not on my watch your not
But I'm tired it's 2
So what ?
Wait how did you get in my room ?
Wouldn't you like to know
Get of me your heavy
Aww I don't want to go
Just leave me alone
But I'm making you cry
Piss of I'm busy
Planning how to die ?
Well maybe just go
But I'm your best friend
I hate you your ugly
Our bond will never end
You've made me upset are you happy now
Not really
I'm texting my friends fuck of you fat cow
Friends that's funny are you sure you have any
Yes now go
I'll make you feel happy
How can you do that
See that pencil sharpener there
Yeah what about it
Unscrew the Blade dear
Ok what now
Slice thin marks
On your arms
It's bleeding
You like that
I know I feel great
See isn't that better
Do more
But I'm running out of space
Go onto the other arm
Ok just wait
What's wrong now deary
Mum took my blade I need my salvation
The cutting can't wait
I found some mini scissors
Well are they sharp
On your thighs now we must not get caught
It doesn't bleed as well
Then just do more cuts
That's better already
I know aren't I great
I think I'm addicted
Ha ha yeah oops
I really need help
With what you fat gloop
I have depression and your making it worse
But I am your depression and antidepressants don't work
Well what will work
Cutting everyday
Yes once in the morning and once before bed
But now I'm suicidal
Yes that's me at work
I should kill myself
Then my job is done

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