Spilled Chemicals

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"Donnie!" Mikey whined as he bounded into Donnie's lab. "Can you fix my video game? Raph stepped on it!"

The purple-masked turtle clad in a lab coat turned around in annoyance to face his younger brother.

"Mikey, I'm busy...go away before you break something....these chemicals are dangerous." He warned.

Mikey pouted before looking in awe at the yellow bubbly mixture his older brother was currently working with.

"Ooo, what's that?" He asked. "It looks cool, can I help you?" Donnie huffed before rubbing his face with his gloved hand.

"No Mikey, just please get out of my lab!" Donnie snapped, turning back to his work in irritation.

Mikey sighed sadly before walking away. Donnie felt a bit guilty for yelling at him, but he was working with dangerous chemicals.

Shaking it off, he left the lab to get a cup of coffee. Mikey walked by the lab and saw Donnie wasn't in there. He smiled a little and walked in.

"Hmm, maybe if I can do science like Donnie....he won't chase me out of his lab all the time." He said softly.

He tip-toed over to the lab table where a bubbling beaker full of yellow liquid lay and looked at at closely.

He then grabbed numerous random beakers full of chemicals and poured them in, not really paying attention.

Mikey jumped back as the chemicals turned blue and fizzed all over the place, accidentally tipping over the entire batch of blue chemicals...

He spilled the entire thing....all over himself. He fell to the floor, trying not to let it go in his eyes or mouth.

Mikey gasped as he became covered in the chemicals. Thankfully, it didn't burn...but he felt weird all over...like he was shrinking....

Donnie ran in, holding a cup of hot coffee. "Mikey, what did you d-
Donnie paused, seeing that the lab was empty.

He walked around and saw the spilled chemicals...definitely not the color he'd left them. The mixture was blue, no longer yellow.

Donnie sighed in exasperation as he saw the orange mask on the floor. He looked at us closely. That was weird...

Huh...Mikey never takes off his mask.

"He's definitely been in here...who else could I make such a mess?" Donnie said to himself.

But...where was he? Suddenly, Donnie felt a small hand tug at his foot. He looked down to see a little turtle with baby blue eyes and freckles.

"Nee!" Baby Mikey squealed, sucking in his fingers and crawling over to his bigger brother.

Donnie looked at him in horror. "Mikey, what did you do?" He shouted. "I told you not to come in here!"

Mikey looked up at his purple-banded brother with innocent eyes. "Sowwy, Nee..." He said sadly.

Donnie sighed, seeing the tears glistening in his baby brother's eyes and picked up the turtle tot.

"It's ok...I'm not mad at you, I was just worried you'd get hurt...I'm gonna fix you, Mikey." He promised.

Little Mikey smiled a little and snuggled up to his big brother's chest. Donnie sighed, knowing he had to tell Leo and Raph....and sensei.

"Leo, Raph!" He shouted, startling Mikey who whimperd and covered his little ears in fright.

Leo and Raph ran in. "What's going on?" Leo asked, stopping in the doorway. Raph stared at baby Mikey.

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