Something Different

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So this is mostly an art book. A visual art book, but I decided to do some "at the moment" stories. Idk what it's actually called, but basically these are stories from the top of my head.

This first one is about a snake that eats a bunch a salt and causes him to change.

Please, enjoy. (And enjoy the wack ass jokes)

The Crystal Salt Snake

It was a normal day in the forest.
Creatures scurried about and the occasional human would pass by to explore, or have a picnic with their family in a small clearing.

Within all these creatures is a medium-sized, piss colored snake. No not like brown or like, clear piss. Like the stereotype yellow piss you see in cartoons. So if you think about it, this snake is a very pretty yellow.

Snakes normally eat other animals, some larger than itself like baby animals, or small animals like rodents, birds and sometimes eggs, but one snake in particular, the piss colored snake mentioned before, was more.... say dignified?

It liked to enjoy it's food rather than scarf it down like most snakes. This snake took the time to take the best bites it can with it's fangs, and used it's tongue to taste.
This snake was often mocked or picked on, but it still went on it's merry way.

One day, a family was having a picnic near it's home. And rather curious for a snake, it approached slowly. One of the humans had started freaking out, and the thing that happened to be in their hand slipped and fell to the ground, opening up and spilling a white substance onto the forest's grass. And no, it's not fucking cocaine.

The snake approached the substance and flicked it's tongue at it.... oh my! What is this flavor?

"Mommy look! The snake! I think it likes the salt!"

"Well honey, I didn't know snakes like salty... in fact I didn't know they could taste flavors"

The snake enjoyed the salt, and due to it having less taste buds, it was able eat a ton without being bothered by how salty it was. Soon enough, it ended up eating all the salt that was in the container, but... the snake craved for more.

Ever so often, the family would come out for more picnics to find the snake and give it some salt, for it had become very docile towards them, and never tried to bite any one of them. Even the kids enjoyed holding the snake once in a while, and often hand-fed the salt.

This happened a few times a year, then soon months, then weeks. And now, the kids would venture out themselves to feed the snake generous amounts of salt. And don't worry, the snake didn't just eat salt, it ate other foods to stay healthy, and often took a larger intake of water than most snakes, but... this salt.. it was causing the snake to change... not personality-wise.... but it's appearance.

The top of the snake was started to turn clear. The scales had started to slightly glimmer and harden up more to form beautiful crystals. Luckily, the crystals are fused with the scales, so whenever it rains, the crystals dont dissolve, and whenever the snake shed, it revealed a clearer, prettier pattern underneath. It's underbelly however, remained the same yellow as before.

The family took notice and took pictures with the snake, but never shared them so the snake could live in peace. Other animals would sometimes visit the snake whenever it had shed so they could eat the salty crystals the snake had left behind.

The other snakes that had bullied him had even started leaving Snake alone (yes, we are now just naming him Snake, ~~Solid Snake~~)

Another day had passed by, but... something seemed off... two humans were coming into the forest, but... they were wearing dark clothing. One carried a net and the other, a dart gun.

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