Did You Think That Was The Only One?

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Haha bet.

**Star Chase**

One day
A child was out at night
It was a warm night, and not a scary one like you'd think
The child looked to the stars
Remembering what his father had said:

"Son.... when we die... part of us become stars..."

The child smiled as he looked at his dads sky penis
The child looked back toward the forest
And decided to venture out
You could hear the howls of wolves running in their packs
The small bunnies running and rustling the grass

The boy wondered to himself... "Do animals go to the stars too?"

He knew about Ursa Major and Leo and everything, but were they truly animals?
He kept walking farther into the forest. The deeper he want, the more luminous it got. The mushrooms glowed brighter, and the algae in the lake had shined as bright as the stars.

He looked over, but was rather confused
He saw two bunnies
But wait... oh fuck... they werent cuddling
They were gladly pounding eachother
Not with genitalia
But fuck these bunnies were punching the shit out of eachother

One of the bunnies collapsed
And the boy could not believe his eyes
The bunny was not moving... but its body began to glow
Small spots on it were glowing bright... was this it?
Do the animals go to the stars?
Shit wait
The spots... no... stars?

They went... low... and started glowing red... They darkened in color...

The bunny had rose up, and the other bunny that was beating the crap out of it backed up...
The red star bunny was huge... FUCKING UNIT

It swung its muscular arms at the small bunny and the small one ran for its life
It ran into the bushes where it could not be seen...

Well figgledly fuck
The child was in pure fear.

The red star bunny looked rabid, and started chasing after the poor child
The child ran away quickly
Running through trees and ripping through vines...

Shit vines are dead
Rip vine 😔

The child continued.. But!
He fell into the glowing algae lake.
It was beautiful yes, but it was rather terrifying with red star chasing him.

He fell deeper into lake, the bunny was still on his tail.. but... the bunny... looked surprised?
The bunny was... calmer now... its figure was shrinking
It swam toward the boy... and the boy swam towards it
The boy held the bunny in the water... and the bunny snuggled into him...

Its body glowed a bright white and started rising. The boy swam upward with it.
At the surface, he watched the bunny fly into the sky
It took its place in the sky...
Next to his father's penis constellation

The boy went home that night
And dried his clothes and got ready for bed.
His wonders were true...
...he went to sleep that night... thinking
"I wonder if dad likes the new bunny"
And went to sleep...


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