numero uno

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i  was sitting at my desk watercolor painting, or the usual but deadly as my friends call it. i dipped my paint brush in the water and...

     ani calls- fuck. being honest i love ani but when we're on a call, i can't paint. why? you may ask. well you see i don't like getting sleep, and i've gotten grounded multiple times this year just because i have sleeping problems. so for example if i start watercolor painting at 9 pm, i'll continue until i'm done, unaware of what just happened. and they don't like me getting grounded.

     my finger moved across the screen to pick up. i'm not mean i just like my alone time a lot. i press pick up and-

"HEY LEI DO YOU LIKE DICK AND BALLSSSSS!!?!?!?"  someone i didn't recognize screamed into their mic, killing my ears in the process. it's been a couple of seconds fuck i forgot to say no-

"uh oh stinky teaaaa" raven laughed, i could never forget her laugh or her voice, raven is my angel from heaven.

"uh no like you sound like a stinky poopy right now" i said. then when i looked at the app i heard two things. a gasp and someone falling off their chair. as everyone started laughing uncontrollably i checked who was in the call.

raven, ani, aksel and henry. everyone had their cameras on except me, well that makes sense but no one is asking me to turn on my camera as a joke! that's a first.

so as a joke since i knew everyone here in this call very well, i decided to turn on my camera so we can laugh about it y'know? "uhhh ohhhh stinkyyyy!!!" raven and ani say at the exact same time. they were right, but they think they're joking but i am, so that's why i don't show my face on my channel or go to cons.

    "so bebe what are we gonna do for your birthday?!" raven asked. "why are we talking about this now your the only person here i know in real life." i stated.

    "oh i just did because henry forgot your birthday-" raven got cut off by henry saying: "WHAT NO I DIDN'T YOU BOTTOM!" i make a jokey mad face at my camera

420 words :)

i look back at the app to look at something  in call i'm in and i see another person with a duck icon. oh great it's quackity.

i don't know him personally but aksel talks about him a lot. i've never spoke to him either. he turns on his camera on to show us something. "guys my mic broke again helpp." he said in a fake desperate kind of voice.

"ahhaahah no thanks hermano" raven said sarcastically joking. just to make this clear they aren't related they just call each other that according to her. trust me it confuses me too, i've never even met this boy.

     "who's the other girl?" he asked. "oh that's lei raven's-" aksel got cut off by raven "my best friend."she stated.

     "huh?" i said confused at her calling me friend and not girlfriend which was surprising. was this a secret relationship all of a sudden? we've told our parents and- yeah my parents. and we've told our friends too and all of them have been supportive including our fans, so why is she calling me a friend? was she trying to get with him or something?

      "i'll go." i say as i click leave call. immediately right after i continue painting. after a while aksel calls i decided to pick up since i knew i can trust him.

     "hey you alright? you just left. is something going on?" he says in a 'i'm concerned' kind of voice. of course he's concerned he's my  (666 words ahah)
best best best best internet friend and he's always been there for me and i love him for that (not that way like a friendly best friend way get your minds out of the gutter people)
"never better" i stated.

watercolor scars. (quackity fic)Where stories live. Discover now