Thirty Eight

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"Why are we even following Vernon?" Chan asked while walking with crossed arms.

"Bitch, Vernon wasn't the only one who hurt Seungkwan. We played in his sufferings too so he deserves an apology from us." Minghao rolled his eyes.

"Oh. I thought we're just gonna eavesdrop or something. Like, if Seungkwan will accept or reject Vernon- Ouch!" Seokmin rubs his head that's been hit by Jeonghan. "Stop hitting, hyung!"

The guys, together with Sofia, walks in the dark street and is heading their way to Seungkwan's house. The night is cold and the luck is not on them when raindrops starts pouring.

"The hell?!" Jihoon hissed as he runs towards the nearest shed. The group followed him except for Minghao who's holding an umbrella. "Where the fuck did you get that umbrella?"

Minghao shrugs and stands by the end of the shed.


Vernon cursed as the rain pours down. He's on an open street and there's no shed or tree to run on. He sighed in frustration and just continued walking. It's now or never.

He let his clothes drenched in rain and let the freezing cold night breeze hit his body.  He hugs himself and continue walking but then stops.

He slowly lifted his chin up to see three men standing, blocking his way. It made his eyebrows furrows. He tried to walk at the side and pass by them but one of the guys grabs him by his wrist. He felt the strength from the grip and he flinch from the sudden pain.

"L-let me go!" Vernon tried to pull his arms but the man is strong. He struggles to run away but his eyes landed on the guy's face. His eyes. It's red. He slowly turn to see the other two having those crimson eyes too. His heart almost skip a beat as he saw more coming out from the dark. They are more than a dozen and he starts to panic. "Let me go please!"

"No." The man who is gripping on him tilted his head and gave him a crazy smile. It's a terrifying one. "You're Vernon Chwe, right?" he smiled and his white pointed fangs showed. "You're the guy that my Chloe likes a lot." he scans on Vernon from head to toe. "You're a mere human and there's nothing special from you. Why is she so crazy about you?"

"W-who are you.." Vernon stutters from the fright and cold.

"Me?" the man chuckled. "I'm nobody but.. I'll kill you tonight so Chloe will lose his most beloved human." he laughs hysterically and it sends shivers down to Vernon's body. He's afraid because he knows that even if he fights back, he will still lose and end up dead. One against a group is unfair but one against a group of vampire is too much.

"Any last word, boy?" the man's grip on Vernon's hand shifted to his neck. Vernon struggles as he slowly felt his feet hang in the air. The man is lifting him up with one hand. He choked when the grip block his air passageway and he's struggling to breathe.

Is this the end for me?

"Let go of him." a familiar voice came. No. It's not just a familiar voice. It's the voice Vernon missed the most.


In a span of second, Vernon stumbled on the ground and the guy who's choking him to death is now laying cold on the ground. He coughs violently trying to take away the itch from the gripping to his neck and catches his breath. While he's panting he saw Seungkwan standing in front of the body.

Did he killed it..

Vernon's gaze landed on Seungkwan. His eyes were glaring red. Not just red but it's full of wrath.

"No one dares touches what's mine." Seungkwan said as a psychotic smile forms on his lips. His head tilting while staring at the remaining bad guys, still a dozen of them.

One by one, the vampires run towards Seungkwan and they all move in a swift. Too fast for Vernon to catch on. His eyes drifted on the end of the street and saw his friends running towards his direction. He then immediately turn his head and saw Seungkwan who's still dealing with the other vampires. He saw him stumble and stands up again. He already has skin cuts and his lips were bleeding. Vernon can't run away. Seungkwan is bleeding and still fighting away the vampires.

"Hansol. Run!" Seungkwan yelled but Vernon didn't budge in his position. His hands digs in on one of the vampire's chest and screams as he pull out, hands covered with blood. "Fucking run!"

A tear fell as Vernon take a step backward, one at a time. His steps turn into run. He's on his half way towards his group of friends when someone grab his wrist and pulled him. He turn his head and it's one of those vampires. The creature open his mouth and his fangs showed. Vernon struggles because the monster is ready to devour him but before it can even dig his fangs on his freezing skin, it stopped. It froze and it drops on the ground revealing Minghao holding a knife behind it.

"I just save your ass. Mind to say thank you?" Minghao snapped a finger on Vernon who's still in surprise.

"Where the fuck did you get the knife?" Jihoon asked once again. "Are you Doraemon or some shit?"

"Dumbass, stop with the stupid questions and we're in life and death situation here!" Soonyoung screams.

Sofia hurriedly runs towards his brother and enclosed him in a tight hug. "Oppa,  let's go home.."

"No." Vernon said, still in a state of shock. He pulls away from the hug and turns around. He saw Seungkwan. He's overly injured and his pastel pink hoodie is now covered with blood. "Seungkwan. Seungkwan.." he starts to mumble.

"Fuck it. If I just knew, I should have bring a dozen of this knife." Minghao hissed as they all witnessed how Seungkwan is losing towards the group of vampires.

"W-what's so special about that knife..?" Joshua asked stuttering, also shocked with all the evil that's happening right in front of his eyes.

"It has white chrysanthemum essence.  White chrysanthemum were vampire's weakness-"

Vernon grabs the knife from Minghao's hand and runs towards the chaos. His mind is in too much mess but all he wanted to do is save Seungkwan. He needed to save Seungkwan.

Seungkwan I can't lose you.

He speeds up and raise his hand with the knife, aiming for the vampire who's about to attack Seungkwan but it dodge..

His knife pierce on the wrong person.

Vernon's heart skip a bit as he saw Seungkwan drop on his knees.


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