The bridge

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Mackenzie POV:
There I was laying on the back of my front door.I can't believe my parents left me like this,God I miss them so much.As I looked down at the red envelope,saying I have 30 days to get out of my flat.Teasers rolled down my face as I thought of my parents.I shook my head in defeat"I'm going to miss this place.",I said.I sat there listening to the rain pour on the top of my roof.I had so many thoughts in my head.Should I die?Would my parents be proud?I got up grabbed my car keys,and ran to my car.
I couldn't see anything.The rain was pouring down so hard.I wanted it all over,I don't want to do this anymore.As I drove faster the past started to come back.I moved to California to get away from him.I didn't want him to fine me.What if Kevin fines me what well he do.As I pulled over to the side of the road.I jumped out and looked at the edge of the bridge.I stepped onto the platform of the bridge,Looking over the water.
Ace POV:
I was driving back home from the meeting.God I hope Grace is not mad at me for being late,I know how she likes to eat.I looked at the pizza in the passenger seat,cant wait to eat.Knowing Gracie She well eat it all,I chuckled thinking about it.Of course Jack is late for the meeting.God if he wasn't good at his job he would have a fucking bullet in his head.
Looking onto the empty roads.I hate driving in this kind of weather.As I look to the side I finally see one car,But it was on the edge on the road.As I looked up more I saw a young girl on the edge of the bridge.Holy shit she is about to jump,I stop the car and ran out hoping I was in time.As I reached for her I grabbed her by the waist,As she was throwing painless punching on my chest.As I was walking back to my car she was screaming and fighting back."goddamn girl calm down."I said as calm as I could be.
"Let me go,I have nothing left in the world."She said screaming.fuck people must think I'm kidnapping her,She finally calmed down a few feet away from the car.I opened the door throw the pizza in the back,And gently put her in the car.I ran to the other side,And jumped in.As I looked over I saw that she was starring out the window,She must be cold.I reached back and grabbed my blue hoodie."here you look cold."I said as gentle as I could be so I didn't scare her. She looked confused and scared,She finally took the hoodie and laid back looking out the window.
Half way home she feel asleep.I wonder what Gracie is going to think.I asked myself why would a young girl want to take her own life.Jesus Ace stop thinking about her,You got other things to think about than some strange.I can't get her out of my mind,I don't even know this girl and I want to know her so bad.But I sweared that I would never fall in love.As we pulled into the driveway I saw that the living room lights where on,Lord please share this pizza with me Gracie.Even thought she is 11 she scares the hell out of me.I turn the engine off,And walked over to the other side to carrying her inside.Hoping I don't wake her up.As I opened the door to my house."Ace where is my....O my shit what happened?"I shook my head"language,Katherine can you go to my car and get the pizza from the back."she shook her head and walked to get a coat.As I walked up the stairs I thought why a little thing like her would do that.I opened one of the guest rooms,Walking over to the bed I gently placed her on the bed.Katherine walked in and grabbed something from the closet."Katherine can you get her some dry cloths and wash her wet clothes."I asked
"Yes I can do that,Do you know what happened?"
"She tried to kill herself,Now if you don't mine I hope my little sister has not ate all the pizza."I walked out of the room, knowing that she is in good hands.Hopeful she is ready to talk tomorrow because I have a few questions."Hey grace save me some pizza."I yelled from the stairs.
"You better hurry than."
God I love her so much.I kissed her head,And sat down beside her "how was school."I asked taking a slice of pizza.
"Boring like always."She said starring up the stairs "Are you going to set there and look stupid or you going to tell me why that girl is here."she asked me with a attitude.
"She was...."I don't know if she would like me to tell her business so "at my work and she fell asleep in the car so I bought her here."I said with a smile.
"Yea sure."She said with a fake smile.I shook my head and went to go take a shower.
As the water hit my face I was starting to worry about this girl.But lucky I can drop her off at her house tomorrow morning and we never see each other again.She don't need someone like me,A gang leader,In her life it would ruin her.Lord I can't become weak,The only weakness is Grace she is my life.I would do anything for her,I hope my plan works out I need to fine Kevin before he attacks again and someone ends up dead.Jacob didn't deserve that,His family didn't deserve that.I stepped onto the cold floor of my bathroom.Wrapping a towel around my waist,walking to my closet to change into sweats pants.I opened my door and walked down the hall to the guest room she is in.Why is she always on my mind,As I looked in the room I saw that she had my blue sweatshirt still on,And a pair of sweatpants I have never seen before.I closed the door and went back to my room.She is leaving in the morning and let's just say we well never see each other again.

Well they see each other again?Dose he know that kevin is after Mackenzie too?Well he fine out why She tried to kill herself?

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