Chapter One

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"Jim, can you come here?"

I made my way over to my father, who was sick in bed. 

"What is it, father?" I asked, sitting in the chair that was set up by his bed.

"Promise me you'll take care of your mother once I'm gone," he smiled sadly.

"I promise, father."

That was the last thing I heard my father say. Now, I help my mother run the Admiral Benbow Inn. However, not that many customers stop by since my father died. We make just enough to get by, but I'm still happy with helping my mom out at the inn. 

One day, when it was very late at night, a knock was heard at the door.

-Don't answer it (Go to Chapter Two)
-Turn on the light before answering (Go to Chapter Three)
-Don't turn on the light before answering  (Go to Chapter Four)

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