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TaEnna:Who are you?

Tae♡:Taehyung of course now...WHERE IS MY BREAD?!

TaEnna:Um...I think you've got the wrong number..

Tae♡:Omg..really im sorry if i freaked you out

TaEnna:No its okay

Tae♡:Who are you though?

TaEnna:Taehyungs wifeu

Tae♡:Oh youre an army too?!

TaEnna:Yeah..You can guess by my name too0

Tae♡:Ohhh so your name is Enna


Tae♡:Lets be friends im kindap lonely


Little did Enna know she wad talking with Taehyung




TaEnna:What is it Taehyung?

Tae♡:Im suprised youre still awake🤣

TaEnna:Yeah..i have to pack my stuff for BTS's fan signing event

Tae♡:Oh you're going there?

TaEnna:Yup are you going?

Tae♡:Of course im going

TaEnna:Can we meet up im new to this city so i can get a tour..im sorry if im asking to much

Tae♡:Oh its fine sure lets meet up at Starbucks

TaEnna:Okay thank you very much

Tae♡:You're welcome and let me get to the point...Whats your favourite colour?


Tae♡:Samee now its your turn to ask me a question

TaEnna:Whats your full name and age

Tae♡:My full name is Kim Taehyung and my age is 23 years old

TaEnna:Thats weird..you have the same age as the real Taehyung

Tae♡:Its because i am Taehyung
Not sent

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