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Its been three years now your twins are three years old.The oldest child is Byeomgul which is the son and the youngest is Hanbyul.Both of them are Taehyungs alien jr which is cute to you because they always remind you of your childhood."Eomma...me and Hanbyul need to pee can we go outside?"You nodded and went to sleep again."Hanbyul faster its cold here.."Hanbyul stand up"Okay okay im done..but lets explore this waterfall first it looks cool"Byeomgul thinked for a moment"Sure im bored anyways"While they were exlporing you went out to drink some water with Tae which is next to the campfire.

"HANBYUL THERES A CAT HERE FAST!"You got up of your chair and carried both of your children back in the tent."Kids..you could've fell in the water"Taehyung went in the tent"Dont be mad at them...Now..Byeomgul Hanbyul please go back to bed...Its 5 in the morning.."Both of them went to bed with you and Tae.

*KEEKAW KEEKAW*"What the heck is that sound.."You sat and opened the zipper of the tent"EOMMA GOOD MORNING WE AND APPA ARE CATCHING FISH FOR OUR BREAKFAST!"They both say together"Oh okay then you guys go im going to kidnap that cat you guys saw this morning"The twins looked at you with a weird face"Um..okay.."You went out of the tent and tied your hair with your sksksksk scrunchie"Damn...look at all these cats"You carried the cats one by one and put them on the stool next to the campfire"Yay you guys look like you need some food...AHAH THE FISH THAT THE ALIENS CAUGTH!"you sneakily stole ten dead fishes and gave it to the cats"huhuhuhuhu im such a re-"then the aliens went to you with a half filled fish bucket"Ummmm.....im sorry.."The aliens jr laughed"Babe we tought a ghost stole our fish"You laugh till you kinda snorted"G-ghost which ghost eats fish?!HAHAHAHAHA CAT GHOST?!HAHAHAHAHAHHA"Taehyung sat on the extra stool"No fair...its not funny.."You back hugged him"Babe im kidding..now lets burn this fish on fire"Taehyung looks at you with a side eyed chloe face"We are not burning anything today and im cooking"You pouted and pet the cats"Dumb ass thinks i cant cook"When you said that you suddenly heard somebody scoffed"That woman really...I really love her cooking though so.."Taehyung kissed your forhead"Babe youre cooking i messed up.."You smiled happily"NO PROBLEMO HUSBUNDO HEHEHEHE"he laughed and pet the cat you were petting"Silly"

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