Chapter one

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She padded through the quiet night, unable to contain the unease that was spreading through her, leaving a trail behind her like a bad smell. She could practically smell the fear, her dread wrapping around her as if attempting to rid her of any breath. She breathed in deeply and kept moving never stay in one place for too long she reminded herself.

She was young and quiet, with a serious air that people associated with judgement. She was also cold and guarded, calculated. She was always restless and could never stay in one place for long, some who knew her might have described her as kind and loving but there are none that lived long enough to pass such information on.

It was nearing dawn when she reached her destination. She had been travelling all night and was glad for the chance to rest. It was an old inn run by a family that has lived in the hills for time out of mind. They were the 'mind their own business' type and for that she was grateful. All they cared about was the food they served, the beds they made and the money in their hands for the effort.

It was a quiet place, a place in which one could do plenty of thinking; if one put their mind to it. tommorow she told herself and sunk into the straw mattress, it had been so long since she had, had a proper sleep. She sighed easing into the prickly straw with nothing but a sheet to cover the stalks.

She awoke to find a knife at her throat. She blinked, trying to get her thoughts in order; she'd had the most confusing dream, shadows and darkness haunted her, still chasing as if her mind was yet to fully waken. Her mind returned to the present when she felt the knife press deeper, she cold feel the prick of the cold steal against her skin, her heart was beating in her ears, she wanted to scream.

Taking a deep breath she spoke, "What do you want with me?" Her voice quavered a little and she cursed herself under her breath.
"What was that?"
Her attacker asked, amused.
"Nothing." She mumbled; he continued.
"It isn't a question of what a want but rather what I need."
Neither of them spoke for a few seconds, there was a noise and the next thing she knew she was bundled up in a blanket and thrown in the back of a cart.

The events that led up to that moment where blurred and incomprehensible. Although she did remember the man's eyes, a peircing blue that sent shivers down her spine. She wondered drowsily where they were taking her, but weariness and exuastian mixed with the incessant rhythm of the cart, soon sent her into an uneasy sleep.

Hey there! Yes you, thanks for reading, I know there are a lot of other stories so thanks, if you liked this part let me know in the comments or give me a vote! much abliged, the author

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