Chapter Two

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When Rogue woke again she was in a dark room, she tried to move and heard the jangle of chains, looking down she noticed that one of her hands was cuffed to an ornate bed frame. She took another look around the room; it was pleasant if not luxurious, better than any room she had ever been in, although that wasn't hard to accomplish.

She felt hungry and rather resentful at her captors for not letting her at least grab breakfast before they bundled her into a cart. She heard chatter outside her room and held her breath. Willing them to come into her room and give her some news or preferably some food.

After what felt like an age (but was probably only a few seconds), the door handle turned and a young woman entered carrying a plate of food. She wore a shirt and breaches, a dagger and a mean expression. When she spoke her voice was more of a growl, and I had to refrain from flinching at the bitterness in her tone.
"The master wishes that I feed you. I voted no however it is hard to persuade him from something he has his mind set on, and trust me you don't want to try."
She leaned in closer and I could smell liquor on her breath.
"I thought, that if you were left hungry for a few days you might be more willing to talk, but there are always other methods...."
She trailed off allowing Rogue to fill in the gaps.

She placed the plate just out of reach and sauntered out of the room, pausing only to look back at Rogue and say "Have fun." Before leaving the room and locking the door behind her, not that she needed to.

Although Rogue hadn't spoken throughout the interaction she was teaming with questions, who was the guard? Where am I? Where is the guy who took me? Why am I here? As she couldn't have any of these questions answered, Rogue decided that she would bide her time, she turned her attention instead to the food that was so tantalisingly close and yet so far, she had to find a way to reach it.

Rogue had just about reached the plate, when she heard a key in the lock and the door swung open. She was at an odd a angle as she had been previously trying to pull the plate closer with her feet. She looked up and noticed a figure in to doorway, he was tall and muscular with broad shoulders and dark brown hair. It was then that she noticed his eyes, those eyes so piercing they seemed to bore into you, finding all the secrets you tucked so carefully away.

She recognised him almost immediately, this man with those eyes he was the the one who had woken her from a much needed sleep.
She breathed her voice laced with malice, he simply smiled back.

"Who are you? Why am I here? What do you want from me? Where am I?" All the questions she had kept so well contained, now bubbled to the forefront of her mind and came running out her mouth; each one tripping over the other in its hurry to get where it needed to be.

The man chuckled. "You mean to tell me you don't know?"
"Know what?" Said Rogue, genuinely puzzled.
"You're one of the most wanted women in the kingdom. As to Where?" He moved closer to her and lowered his voice, creating a dramatic pause. "I'm afraid that's a secret." She must have looked disappointed because he smiled,
"Did you really expect me to tell you? Here, to make it up to you I'll answer your other questions. Me and my company are bounty hunters, what we want from you must be rather obvious now, as to why you're here, well where else would we keep you?"

Rogue struggled to take all this in, most wanted? Since when? Her mind managed to grab onto one thing, find out where you are, then leave. "Yes but where is here?"
The man smiled rather annoyingly in her opinion. "I've told you already Sweetling, here is a secret."

He picked up the plate and brought it over to her. "Now get some food and some rest, you have a big day tomorrow." He left the room muttering under his breath. What Rogue manged to patch together was this "Trust Lilith not to feed the prisoner, she always....ugh that girl, one day--" She smiled, it seemed such a normal thing complaining under one's breath, in that moment the guy reminded Rogue of her older brother. Her smile slipped away however, as she remembered why she was here, and why he wasn't.

She brought the plate closer to her and began to eat, it was barley porridge and not altogether that warm; and although anxiety was tieing itself knots in her stomach she managed a few mouthfuls, before giving up and planning her escape. If only her brother was here, alive with her, he'd know what to do. She sighed starring up at the ceiling going through scenerios until the world around her began to blur.

Rogue slept badly, tossing and turning as she was chased through her old town by shadows and monsters; she screamed for someone to help, only no sound came out. There was no-one there, no-one to help her, her brother stood in the distance, smiling mockingly. She shuddered eventually crawling into a corner and wishing them all away, the ghosts of the dead haunting her in her sleep.

They were almost upon her when she awoke suddenly, covered in cold sweat. The man, who she would later know as Hunter was standing above her, blue eyes starring unfocused. When her eyes fluttered open he raised his eyebrow at her and then uncuffed her hand. She rubbed it, her wrist had been rubbed raw where the cuff had been attached. He threw a shirt and a pair of breaches at her saying "You better be quick; five minutes, no more; because we're leaving, wether you're fully clothed or no," He winked at her, "And don't test me on that either, it's for your own comfort not mine."

He left without another word, leaving Rogue no room for formulating a witty reply, she hurriedly snatched up the clothes and threw them on. She was partway through when she realised the clothes she had been
wearing were not her own, she blushed realising someone must have changed her. Her clothes had been in tatters it's true but she felt rather irksome about the situation all the same. She decidedly gave it no more thought as she had other things to worry about. First thing on her mind was escape, the second thing breakfast, it really had been a long time since she'd had a decent meal.

Hey there! Yes you, thanks for reading, I know there are a lot of other stories so thanks, if you liked this part let me know in the comments or give me a vote! much abliged, the author

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