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Moana is getting ready for her lil group slash date. As she is doing that in walks carter who has no clue what is going on,

carter: uh where are you going to miss thang

m: carter I told you we are gonna hang out with Craig remember 

c: umm I never agreed on this and plus you never told me bout these plans.

m: carter please come on just one time then I owe you

c: I swear you owe me more and more every time I see you

m: so that's a yessss

c: fine butt there better be no more surprises.

moana never told carter the she asked Rome coming to there hang out. she kept that info to herself cause she knows carter wont go if he is there.

the meet up at a dinner the guys are there already. As the girls walk over carter looks up from her phn and sees rome standing next to Craig, 

carter: ohh nope no NO WAY 

moana: carter please I knew you wouldn't  come if you knew he was coming, as she pulls on carters arm.

c: moana what did I say no more surprises and bam you did me wrong 

m: carter its just one day plus there are other guys coming too

c: where cause this to me looks like  I got played and I'm nope no

m: please please please carter I would do it for you

c: no you wont cause I wouldn't do that to you, 

the guys see the girls arguing and start to walk over 

m; look there walking over you have to stay 

c: ill just say I'm sick 


C; go ahead I'm not staying 

Moana says hi to the guys and they call out to carter. carter turns and fake smiles.

Craig : hey Carter how are you

c: uhh I was actually about to 

m: check the next movie time right 

c: uhh yup that's what i was  gonna do 

moana thanks her and hugs craig as carter walks away rome follows her.

rome: look I didn't know that it was going to be like this I swear

c: your good were there more ppl or 

r: well I think ty is coming and maybe nikki but I haven't heard

c: oh ok 

rome gets  a message 

r: so scratch that nikki and ty umm 

C: there Maccin aren't they 

r: uhh yeah pretty much 

rome and carter walk back to the lovey dovey couple 

c: so no ty and nikki they made there own plans and the movie starts in 15 so we got a lil time 

they get there snack and craig pays for moana while carter is about to pay for hers rome comes over and hands his card to the cashier. carter look at his card and stops the cashier 

c: uh no ill get mine that's fine 

r: no ill buy it 

carter looks at him, c: no that's fine I have money ill get mine.

the cashier is confused and changes cards 

rome stops him and tell him to use his carter and him fight 

rome: look bro if you don't take my card and pay for her things ill have no choice but to kick yo ass so take my card. the cashier take his card and pays for it all 

carter cant believe he said that 

rome: thanks man I didn't mean what I said I just wanted to pay for her things we cool 

the cashier shakes his hand rome hands carter her snacks 

c: why did you do that

r: what

c: ill pay you nack

r: your good its my treat 

as expected while rome and carter watch the movie moana and craig have there lips locked to each other 

there group hang out date finishes and they say bye to each other 

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