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I choke on my food

"Why? you don't like the idea of following Jaehyun?"

"Um no, that's not what I meant."

Jaehyun stares at me with a look that I can't decipher

why does he look disappointed?

"It's fine with me if you can't make it," Jaehyun says and looks down at his plate full of food

damn it

"Naomi, see, you made the kid sad. Do you not want to go on tour with his band? uh what is it called-"

"-Foreign Swaggers," he pipes in

I mentally smack my forehead

foreign what?

"Ah yes! Foreign Swaggers. Love that."

I cock an eyebrow at dad

really dad?

𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭 • j. jaehyun Where stories live. Discover now