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When I was a girl, I remember my mother gathering herbs from the garden, and making things that would make me feel better. I knew nothing of magic, only natural medicine. It was only when I started losing control did my mother tell me about my unique capabilities. She called me a siphon. A witch born without her own magic. She said I am the first of my kind and must keep it a secret from my father, in order to maintain the illusion that I was simply born without the ability to do magic – at all. I'm an abomination of nature, but my mother never made me feel that way. She always made sure that I knew it wasn't my fault. She even figured out a loophole – but we'll get there. My name is Abreann O'Malley; and I am the first siphon.


I'm back, and with a new look! After how well IRLTBOD did, I figured why not write something new with my matured writing style and newfound interest in Wicca and my obsession with The Vampire Diaries. I will also be writing another story in more "traditional" fan-fiction style, but want to get this one up first.

I don't own any TVD characters that may be named in this book, only those I created. 

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