Chapter Two

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Chapter 2

Song: July by Noah Cyrus

Time Period: 2019 Mystic Falls

I hadn't been back here in years – 18 to be exact. It was 1994, and I was witness to some horrible things in Portland, after which I decided to set up shop here. After Kai Parker had murdered half of his family and was sent to a prison world for being exactly what I am. Poor chap, he had no idea there was another like him. The line of siphoners wasn't even close to being over. Kai was merely the first one who needed to exist after me. We are a naturally recurring species when nature decides to create one – usually to keep the witches in check. Sometimes they get a little power hunger and need to be knocked down a couple pegs. While the Parkers and the rest of the Gemini Coven decided he was evil and needed to be expelled, nature would punish them in its own way. I don't condone what Kai did to his family, it was horrific to watch and even more horrific knowing it was children. However, he also isn't to blame for the events that lead to that decision. Anyway, I digress.

I was walking through the town of Mystic Falls for the first time since I fled Portland. Deciding to stop into the Mystic Grill, I laid eyes on Matt Donovan. What a cutie, that one. I've been watching the doppelgänger and her friends. I know Klaus Mikaelson and once he gets word that she's here, he will come after her. That's the exact thing I am working to stop.

Elena was currently dating Stefan Salvatore, though I'm not sure that will last. I like her, she may be a bit whiney, but she cares about those she loves and will fight fiercely for them – a trait I haven't seen in the last few women who have worn that face.

Walking up to meet them, I overheard their plan to get everyone from the Other Side before it collapses.

"I'd love to help you all with this plan." I said.

"Abreann! It's good to see you." Elena greeted me with a smile, which I happily returned.

"Elena, it's good to see you too. Your plan is solid. I'd like to again, offer my assistance." I said, now addressing the whole group which consisted of Stefan Salvatore, his brother Damon, Caroline Forbes, Alaric Saltzman, and the anchor herself, Bonnie Bennett.

"What makes you think we need your help, O'Malley?" Damon said, his signature condescending smirk ever present.

"Well, Salvatore," I began, mimicking the smirk on my own face. "I'm older than all of you, much more powerful, and would be a good asset in case anything goes haywire."

They all look at each other considering their options before finally – unanimously – agreeing to let me help with the plan. They caught me up so that I was on the same page, however there was one issue I saw with this.

"If everyone has to pass through Bonnie, will she make it through that?" I asked, and Bonnie's eyes widened – as if I wasn't supposed to say that. She clears her throat.

"It's not a 100% chance it'll go perfectly but...I have to save them. Whatever is going on the Other Side, our friends that are over there don't deserve to suffer because of it."

I shook my head, Bonnie Sheila Bennett, ever the martyr. All of my newfound friends tried to talk to her, but I knew it was to no avail. Bonnie was going to do what Bonnie was going to do, there's no talking her out of it.

"Guys, you know she's going to do it no matter what you try and tell her." I had to say something, they were chattering like monkeys – but that shut them up. "Now, how about we try to figure out a fail-safe. Bonnie, your Grams is over there, correct?"

"Yeah, she is."

"Alright. Tell her you're worried about your survival, but tell her I have a plan." Bonnie nods and I get to work. We may be paying a visit to Kai Parker.


Obviously this isn't 100% the storyline of TVD, but I'm writing a different story so that's why!

Longer chapter. I like it a lot, shows how Abreann really does just want to help!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2020 ⏰

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