Chapter One

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Chapter One

Song: The Curse by Agnes Obel

Time Period: The 11th Century – Ireland

(A/N: I am Irish American, so I'm not 100% on my history, but I'll research as it is convenient to our story)

It was Dublin before it was Dublin. In the year 1002, our king yielded to Brian Boru, who became our king. The battle had been fought – and lost – yet I was just a poor village girl uninvolved in any of it. My father had perished in the battle, leaving it just my mother and I.

After we buried my father, my mother told me we were returning his soul to nature, and his life and his magic would live on – in me. As a young girl, not yet aware of the gifts my family possessed, I just thought it was something she was saying to comfort me through the loss. I was incredibly wrong.

Flash forward to 1017, I was 11 years old and my everything was going haywire. I was aware of magic by that point, and attempting to be a normal witch – training with simple spells, learning the herbs and plants we used. However, it was to no avail. My mother believed me to be a late bloomer, so she decided to use herbs to try and awaken my magic.

Flash forward again to 1024, as an 18-year-old, it was glaringly obvious something was wrong. My mother tried for 7 years to awaken natural magic. It wasn't until she forgot a dose and I grabbed her arm and put her in unimaginable pain that it was confirmed – I didn't have magic of my own. We tested it shortly after, I grabbed her hand and was able to perform any spell under the moon - but it was with no control whatsoever.

I began stealing magic from nature's hotspots – including my own father's grave. It was addictive, feeling the magic flowing through my veins, and I wanted it all. The logical part of my brain knew what I was doing was wrong. However, the feeling of missing out was greater than my moral compass. Eventually, my mother began slipping me the herbs again, at least until we could figure it out.

I had been named at that point by those in the village – The Siphon Siren. I lured people in with my charm and beauty, and then stole their magic; and I hated it. I didn't want to be like this. My mother had heard of a family – The Mikaelsons. The mother of that family had figured out a way to control her children, so we set off to the New World. It was there, that I fell in love for the first time – and also where I died. 

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