Chapter 1

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Lizzie's PoV
Me and my friend Jennifer have just moved in together in our own apartment today, finally some freedom! She is perfect and my best friend. I'm Elizabeth but I'm known as Lizzie normally. So as we're unpacking our things we hear a knock at the door: "I'll get it!" Jennifer yells as she runs over carrying a box full of her stuff. "Yo Liz, get over here," So I run over too, and standing in the doorway are honestly the most gorgeous guys ever, I think I catch one of them's eye to be honest!
"Hey, we live upstairs and when we heard some people were moving in we thought we'd come and see you! I'm Danny by the way, and this is Paul."
"Yeah I'm Paul, and I like pizza, just sayin'," Paul says blushing.
"Oh hi, I'm Liz and this is Jennifer, I'm glad you came by to see us." I say,"Oh, and I like pizza too!"
Paul was wearing a Nirvana tshirt and black skinnies with red converse. He had his hair perfectly swooping over he forehead, a dark brown colour and hazel eyes. Where as Danny was wearing a checked shirt over a fall out boy tee and was looking super hot. He had his hair a bit longer and as well, it looked amazing.
"Maybe you could come to our apartment tonight and we can watch a movie or something?" Danny suggests.
"Yeah sounds great," Me and Jenny say together, "we'll be there around 8 ish."
I close the door.
"Wow they were nice,"
"...and cute too," Jennifer interrupts
"You took the words right out of my mouth!"

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