Chapter 7

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One month after moving in
Lizzie's PoV
Okay, so tonight me and Jenny are sleeping at Danny and Paul's. I really want it to go well, I mean I have feelings for Danny and I know Jenny likes Paul so I hope it isn't awkward and it's just like normal.

A few hours later

"Okay so we're gonna sleep here and you two can sleep there," Paul says to us, "or you can come over here and things can get closer," he winks at Jennifer. She blushes loads! "But that's none of my business,"
We stick a dvd in the TV then start to talk.
"So, when was the last time you had a serious relationship?" Jenny directs at the guys.
"2 years ago," Paul says immediately.
"Never," Danny laughs and looks down at his feet, "probably why I'm still a virgin,"
"You are not!" Paul says
"Yes, yes I am,"
"I know but I was trying to make the girls think you were more romantic than you actually are!" Paul raises his eyebrows at me.
"What?" I ask suspiciously.
"Come over here," Paul says, "Okay so basically Danny likes you. A lot. He never shuts up about you and it's really annoying. So do me a favour and at least pretend to like him back 'cos he's had his heart broken one too many times."
"I like him back," I say
"Wait what?" Paul seems shocked, "this is cool. This is good." He walks over to Danny and takes him into his room.
"What was all that about?" Jennifer asks as I sit back down.
"Oh nothing."
The guys return with massive grins on their faces especially Paul who was starting to look a little scary honestly.
"Danny has something to ask you!" Paul bursts out quickly.
"Yes." Danny says obviously annoyed at Paul, "yes I do. Can you come into my room?"
So we go into Danny's room, he has little lights all over the place and it looks so nice and romantic.

"Okay, so I know this is gonna sound really bad, and I know you won't feel the same but," Danny pauses, and sits on the side of the bed. "But I really like you."
"I really like you too,"
"You do? Oh that's good I guess," he grins to himself and I sit on the side of the bed facing him. "So I wanted to ask you if you wanted to be my girlfriend maybe?"
"I would love to Danny," I say looking into his bright blue eyes which are lit up so nicely by the surrounding fairy lights. "I really like the lights around the room," I continue looking right at him not turning my head at all.
"You know you're beautiful," he shakes his head as I blush.
We move a bit closer together, so we've almost got our faces touching each other's. "Would it be bad if I kissed you now?" He asks me like a gentleman.
"I would love to Danny,"
And so he leans in and as our lips meet i feel a sensation that I've never felt before and I realise that how over the past month, I've really gotten to be close to Danny. A rush of energy goes through me. His lips are so soft as they brush against mine perfectly.
"You're so perfect," I say, but he tells me to stop talking and we just live in the moment. He puts his hand in my hair and I put mine round his neck.
We pull away at the same time.
I start giggling, and he laughs a bit, we're still looking into each other's eyes, but then I just give him a little kiss on the lips and walk out of the room.
"Did he ask you out?" Paul whispers to me.
"Yeah," I say like I don't care. "Wasn't much tho," I wink at Danny standing in the doorway.
Omg. I just kissed Danny.

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