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Aya dug her mind until she could think of something to take her mind off her old outfit that she wore when she was 10 years old. Blood stained and torn almost all around. She had no idea how long ago, it seemed that it was just yesterday that her Dad chase her around the mansion yelling her name until she was grabbed at the leg by a haunted doll with big purple eyes. She struggled until her Father came right up to her with those eyes somehow shining through his glasses. His lab coat blood stained. She hung the dress back in th cabinet with all the other dresses that weren't burned by the mansion fire.

She then remembered Dio. One of Fathers test experiments. He lost his right eye and luckily wasn't turned into one of his dolls. Dio had kissed her on the forehead right before she left and left dio there, letting her and her memories burn up with the mansion, and probably Dio as well. "Aya? Where are you? Your patient is here!" Aya turned and said back "Right... sorry Maria! Tell her ill be right down!" Aya walked down the steps, and left the bloody and horrific story of her childhood behind.

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