Chapter 7

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*TW: while this chapter doesn't deal with an ED or anything like that, there is a little bit of detail about Emma's body and her being underweight (she was literally a prisoner of war for three years, they don't exactly feed those guys, ya feel?) This is in no way to glamorize a specific body type or anything like that, I'm simply describing her inner monologue as she tries to process this pretty traumatizing thing that has happened to her.

Okay, as you were! Enjoy!



My eyes open from a dreamless sleep, blinking quickly to adjust to the daylight simulation in the room. The place beside me in the bed is empty and cold; Peter must have left a while ago. I don't even know what time it is.

"Peter is eating breakfast!" A small voice blurts, making me cry out in surprise. Beside me, sitting in a chair next to the bed, is a small boy with white hair and a toothless grin.

"I'm sorry," his lip quivers at my reaction. "I didn't mean to scare you."

"No," I say between breaths as I try to prevent myself from having a heart attack. "It's fine. I just didn't see you."

"I'm Skitters," he smiles, giving me a small wave.

"I'm Emma," I sit up, running my hands through my unruly hair.

"I've been ordered to watch you until Peter comes back to," he puts his tiny hands in the air, creating air quotes. "make sure you are okay and stuff."

"Oh is that so?" I raise an eyebrow, smiling.

He nods his small head.

"And do you always do what Peter tells you?"

He nods again. "Peter keeps us safe, but we need to listen."

"Yes, Peter is very good at protecting us."

He glances at me, his eyes roving over the left side of my face, where my shiner is currently healing. "What happened to you?"

I purse my lips, not wanting him to think of me as a freak. "Do you want to see a magic trick?"

He nods excitedly, completely forgetting his question. "Yes."

"Come here," I fold my legs under me and pat the spot in front of me on the bed. He clambers over, sitting Indian style, his eyes wide with curiosity. I make my hands into fists and place them in front of him.

"Right or left?" I ask. His small fingers instantly tap my right hand, which I open, revealing nothing. He frowns at its emptiness. Without a word, I open my left hand, igniting a small blue orb of electricity that crackles as it floats above my skin. His jaw drops at the sight of it, making me grin. I close my fist after a moment, extinguishing the orb as he grins in delight.

"That was crazy!" He claps his hands rapidly, giggling. "Do it again!"

I oblige, this time creating miniature sparks of lightning that dance around my fingertips. Skitters is entranced, his eyes glued to my hand. He reaches for it, and I instantly pull away, grabbing him with my right hand.

"Don't touch," I say sternly, making him whimper. I immediately soften up, releasing his small wrist. "I don't want to hurt you."

He nods, placing his hands in his lap. His eyes are still wide as his lips curve into a small smile. "Can you do it again?"

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