Chapter 3: The Puritan Village of Oakhaven

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In the said Puritan Village, some Oakhaven localswere doing things the way they would have been done back in the 1600s.

"What you're seeing is a perfect re-creation of what life was like back in the 1600s as re-enacted by our locals." The mayor said as he was giving the groups a tour of the Puritan Village

"This is amazing, mayor." Velma said.

The group, specifically Fred, Velma, Daphne, the mayor, and Ben walk up to some corn husk dolls set up on a tree stump

"Corn husk dolls. Aren't they cute, Fred?"Daphne asked as she picked up one

"Yeah, charming." Fred said in response. 

Meanwhile, in a gift shop, Ruby and Yang were browsing the stuff that was there unsure what exactly to get

"Everything seems so good. I don't really know what to get" Ruby said as she looked at everything that was there

"Take your time, Ruby. I'm gonna get this neat looking picture frame held shut by a strap with an old looking buckle." Yang said as she grabbed said item off of the shelf and purchased it

(I figured I would put that scene in instead of the butter churning scene from the actual movie. Mostly cause I don't know how I would do it with RWBY characters.)

Back outside, Ben and Velma were talking to the mayor.

"So you say a ghost is appearing here?" Velma asked.

"That's right, young lady. Apparently, we disturbed the spirit of Ben's ancestor who was persecuted as a witch way back in 1657."

"Un-justly persecuted.Sarah Ravencroft was a medicine woman who practiced natural healing and was un-fairly accused because of her eccentric ways." Ben said not sounding very happy about the situation.

Velma looked at Ben with a surprised face

"She was a Wiccan."  Ben added in a calmer voice

"Wiccans have been mis-understood.Accused of sorcery. In fact the word witch comes from Wicca." Velma said.

"I'm impressed Velma." Ben said sounding surprised

Scooby put on a hat that fell off a corn husk doll as if it was a real hat

"Like, it's a perfect fit Scoob." Shaggy said

"Reah, rehehehehe" Scooby said

The wind blew it off of his head and into a gopher hole which he immediately started digging at to get the hat back only to find what they thought to be a shoebuckle.

"Like, I wonder what that is." Shaggy said looking at it.

"Ri don't know." Scooby said as he dropped it in Shaggy's hand

"Looks like you found an old shoebuckle,my boy. Probably over 400 years old" Mayor Corey said looking at their find.

"Like, wow." Shaggy said as he put it on his left shoe. 

"Like, look for another one Scooby. So I can have a matching pair" Shaggy added

Scooby nodded then started sniffing around for another one

"Yep, we found all sorts of items from the old colony when we cleared this area for construction. We made nails, horseshoes, farm equipment." The mayor said

"How about, a book?" Ben asked

"A book?" The mayor asked out of confusion.

"You know how long I have been searching for Sarah's journal to officially clear our family name." Ben added

"Sorry Ben, nothing like that." The mayor said in response.

Shaggy feels his stomach growl and asks,"Like, we'd liketo see a puritan pizza joint. We're starved."

"Don't worry. We have the best restaurant in all New England. it's back in town. I'll walk you there." The mayor said as he walked Shaggy and Scooby to town.

Eventually, Team RWBY catches up with Ben and Fred, Daphne, and Velma.

"Do you all want to go?Or would you want to see my studio?" Ben asks the group

"Oh, would we ever." Velma says in response

"Sure, sounds fine to me." Blake says.

Velma then yells to Shaggy and Scooby saying, "Shaggy, Scooby, we'll meet up with you later."

"Mayor, tell Jack that anything they order is on me!" Ben added

"Zoinks! Like, what a great guy." Shaggy said

"You're gonna regret that offer, Ben." Daphne said.

Ben looks at her with a rather confused and tad concerned look on his face

Team RWBY in Scooby-Doo! and The Witch's GhostWhere stories live. Discover now