Chapter 5: The Witch's Ghost

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That night, Shaggy and Scooby were walking down the road with their stomachs filled, noticing all the cars leaving town.

"Looks like everybody's leaving. Wonder if the ghost showed up." Shaggy said

"Reah." Scooby said in response. 

"Like, with no one here, this place is almost spooky, Scoob." Shaggy stated looking around.

"Reah, spooky." Scooby responded as he also looked around

The two stopped at an alleyway nd saw three female silhouettes.

"Raggy, girls!" Scooby said as he tapped Shaggy's shoulder

Shaggy saw this, combed back his hair, and Shaggy and Scooby both positioned their big stomachs to look like it was part of their chest and not stomachs

"Like, hi girls." Shaggy said trying to be cool and not freak out like most people would

The three women came out of the shadows revealing what they looked like. 

"Hi " the three hissed

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"Hi " the three hissed

Shaggy and Scooby screamed and took off running

After Shaggy and Scooby eventually run out of breath and stop running, Shaggy was the first to say something 

"Like, I think we lost them old buddy. But with all that running,we worked off that big meal, and you know, now i'm hungry again." Shaggy said as he caught his breath

"Reah, rungry" Scooby said in response

Then there was this strong wind. leaves started getting blown around, mailboxes shook, store signs moved crazily in the wind, then, there was this loud cakaling. 

Shaggy and Scooby turned and saw the witch's ghost they have heard so much about.

"Zoinks!! It's the ghost! Like, run Scoob!" Shaggy shouted as him and Scooby took off running 

"This town shall pay for what it did to me!" the ghost shouted as it threw a fireball which hit Shaggy

As the ghost kept throwing fireballs, Shaggy and Scooby kept putting themself in front of the other

"Like, it's every coward for himself, old buddy!" Shaggy said as the two turned a corner and ran into something or someone

Shaggy and Scooby ended up running into Fred, Daphne, and Velma in a way where they ended up on Velma and Fred ended up on Daphne's back. Luckily, Ben and Team RWBY weren't in the crash zone

"What happened, guys?" Velma asked

"Rhost"Scooby said meaning to say ghost instead 

"A roast?" Ben said in confusion not really understanding Scooby

"Rwitch's Rhost" Scooby said as Ben helped him off Velma

"You saw the Witch's ghost?" Velma asked.

Scooby replied by shaping his head in a way that looked like the ghost and did his best imitation of it

"Can you show us where?" Fred asks

"Like, do we have to? She throws fireballs, man!" Shaggy said as he shook Fred by his jacket's collar

"Can you at least get off me first, Freddie?" Daphne asks sounding annoyed

Shaggy points around the corner that him and Scooby came from and said, "Like, down this street"

Shaggy and Scooby were too scared to turn around the corner. However, everyone else turned around the corner

"There's nothing here now" Yang stated

"We thought we got away from the first three witches, when this ghost, chased us from down there." Shaggy explained

"First three witches?" Ben asks.

Meanwhile, Velma and Blake were keeled over a spot where one of the fireballs hit. Velma pinches something from the ash pile 

"You said she threw fireballs, right?" Weiss asked noticing what Velma picked up didn't seem like any pile of ash she had ever seen

"It was like this, Weiss. But 1,000 times worse." Shaggy said as he pointed at a display of one of those shirts Mr.McKnight gave to Ben earlier

"Is this the street she chased you down?" Fred asked

"Like, don't remind us." Shaggy said in response

Yang walked over to some broken branches and picked up two

"All these broken branches have been cut from the tops of these trees." She stated

"And in a perfectly straight line." Ruby adds as everyone looks at the tops of the trees

"This is getting interesting, Ben." Velma said.

All of a sudden, some music as heard in the distance and everyone looked over and saw some lights that seemed to be changing from red to green to yellow to purple then back to red

"Rikes!" Scooby shouted as he hopped into Shaggy's arms

"Like, not again." Shaggy said

After some silence between them all, Daphne is the first one to say something

"What is that?" she asked 

"Let's go see." Velma states as she turned on a flashlight and started walking

Everyone started following her to see what the noise was

Team RWBY in Scooby-Doo! and The Witch's GhostWhere stories live. Discover now