Chapter 4: The story of Sarah Ravencroft

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In Ben's old style mansion, Fred, Daphne, Velma, Weiss, Blake, and Ben were looking around at what as there. 

"So this is where it all started." Velma said as she walked behind Ben's old desk where the was a computer and a few other things

"Go ahead Velma. Sit down." Ben told her

Velma then sat down in the chair and typed a little on the computer

"Jinkies, this is a dream come true" she said as she typed.

"I wrote most of my early novels here. Now I spend most of my time in Europe. But I come back once a year to recharge my batteries" Ben stated as he sat on an empty coffee table he had

Meanwhile, Weiss was looking at a portrait of a woman who looked to be in her late 20s in the picture.

"Who's portrait is this?" Weiss asked

"This is Sarah Ravencroft. I believe it was painted by a greatful patient." Ben answered

"She looks beautiful." Fred says.

"I know. She isn't what people think. She was un-traditional to her approach of medicine, She was a Wiccan." Ben said. 

"I've read about them. Wiccans have been mis-understood accused of sorcery." Velma said

"She would help people who could not afford medical treatment by drawing from the earth's power to heal the sick." Ben added.

"Impressive." Fred stated,

"She treated hr patients under a large oak tree which she believed to have healing powers." Ben said as he looked at the painting

"It was even believed that she kept a journal of all the patients she cured with her herbal remedies." he continued

"I saw a huge oak tree like that in the town square." Velma said looking at the painting

"I already searched the area around that tree but didn't find anything.That book could finally prove Sarah's innocence and that she was a Wiccan, not an evil witch" Ben said

"Maybe we could help find it hile here, Ben." Daphne said. 

"Thanks. You know, all this about Sarah and the Wiccans lead me to read almost everything in the world of superstition. That's when I started writing stories to frighten people." Ben said in response.

"Hmmm....odd. What's this?" Blake said to herself as she found an oddly suspicious looking piece of parchment dated back to 1666

"What did you find, Blake?" Weiss asked

Blake then shows her the piece of parchment

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