Chapter Five

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"L-l-love? With who?" I asked.

"Who do you love, Italy?" France asked.

"I don't know. I am friends with everyone." I said.

"Love, Italy, who do you want to spend your internal life with?" he asked.

"France, I-I-I'm not sure. I like Germany but I also like Holy Rome." I whispered to him nervously.

"Oh, Italy, Germany is..." he paused. He made a face and Germany rushed over.

"Guten tag, Italy, France," he started, " I was wondering if either of you wanted to swim with me?" he asked. I looked at him.

I felt my heart begin to speed up. Why would I love Germany? He is a brute, stubborn, and rough. But he is also sweet, strong, and brave. Sure he doesn't like some of my friends but you can't like everyone.

"Italy? Do you want to swim?" he asked.

I paused. "I'm kinda tired, plus I just ate a burger with America." I said.

He sighed. "Okay, maybe later."

I sighed and went back to relaxing. Japan had came to me by now. She was holding a letter. What could be going wrong at the beach now?

"Itary." she said.

"Yes?" I asked.

"I found this letter and it is from Greece." she said quietly.

"Let me read it!" I said.

She handed me letter slowly. I opened it and smiled at her. She began to blush and mumble something Japanese. I was surprised.

Dear Japan,

From they day we met I've thought about this often. I think I like you. More than friends, more than siblings. I don't want to shove you away, I want to know if you like me also. Well, do you? I think that'd be great.

With hope,


I smiled more. She took it from me. "What am I going to do? I like Britain also." she said.

"Japan, just try it with Greece first. You know he likes you. If it doesn't work try Britain." I said.

She smiled a half. "I guess." she said. She called for Greece an walked away.

I tried to relax more. I couldn't think. All this love was making my head spin. I fell asleep thinking about what I was going to do. I like Germany but I made a promise to Holy Rome.

I felt lightheaded and passed out. Next thing I knew I was flying into the water. I held my breath and closed my eyes as the water pulled me in. I lost the air and hurried to the surface.

 I saw Germany and America rushing into the water. They both swam to me. I swam towards them and closer to shore. I got air and swam under the water.

I met up with them. We played Marco Polo and invited France, Britain, and Japan to play. They came along with China. After many rounds of that we had a splash war.

After that I watched France and Britain go home. Russia left with out saying a word. Greece had invited Japan, Germany, and I out to Sweden's restaurant. We decided we'd meet up with them later. Canada had taken Sea-land home and didn't return.

Later the rest of us had went home. I changed from that into my blue dress and waited for Germany on the couch. He came out dressed in his usual attire, which made me sigh. We left and met Japan and Greece ate Sweden's.

Greece dressed in his usual also. Japan wore her favorite pink kimono. She put a matching flower in her short black hair. She sat next him. Me and Germany sat down with them.

Sweden took our orders and gave us our food. Halfway through the meal, Sea-land came out refilling our drinks and asking us about random things. He talked about helping out the restaurant with Sweden, his new father.

"It's a little weird being adopted by him." he said.

Greece looked at him. "Why? Isn't he nice?" he asked.

"He can be, but usually when Finland is around." Sea-land said, looking into the pot he was holding. I looked at  him next.

"Why only with Finland around?" I asked.

"I think he likes him. I don't know." he smiled.

Germany took a drink of his beer. "What about with out Finland?" he asked.

"Well, he very quite and stubborn. He has me do a lot for him. Sometimes I'm more of an underling than a child to him."

Japan smiled. "Would you like somebody to talk to?" she asked.

"No, I'm a country. I can handle my problems just as much as you can." he boasted.

Germany smiled oddly then left to the bathroom. I grabbed onto Sea-land's shoulder and pulled him to me closely. He looked at me. Tears began to fade in and out from his eyes. He flew into a hug with me. I didn't know what was going on.

"Aw, Sea whats wrong?" Japan asked, nicknaming him Sea.

He smiled lightly and looked at her. "It's just...besides him, I kinda like somebody. But her older brother..." he paused.

"Who?" I asked.

Greece left interest and looked out the window. "I'll tell you later, it looks like your busy with your dates." Sea-land said and left us.

Germany came back and Greece paid attention again. Germany kept quite. Did he think this was a date?  kind of hope it was in a small part in the back of my head. I didn't understand my emotions fully.

The door opened and Finland came in holding a letter. He was shaking a little. Sweden came out with a lighter yet still stern face. Finland tried to pick up his absent voice.

"S-sorry, S-Sw-Sweden, I o-over s-slept. I-I'll get to w-work now." he stuttered.

We looked at him as he walked away. Sweden's face changed. He walked back behind the counter to Finland. They talked quietly and short. We ate our food and chatted along to their conversation.

"Is he going to be okay?" Greece asked.

"I'm sure, if he wasn't he would quit wouldn't he?" Germany said.

"True, but what if Finland is only there because of Sea-land?" I asked.

"Why? It's not like Finland could beat Sweden up." Greece stated.

"Maybe, he knows that Sweden is nicer when he is around Sea. So he chooses to stay for him." Japan said.

"Maybe. But what if there is more to the story, like Sweden is Finland's brother or cousin?" Germany noted.

"Well... if it were like that he wouldn't need to be only nice to Finland unless there is a perfect reason." Greece said.

We all thought. Finland came out holding a pitcher of water. His arms shook as he tried to hold onto it. Germany gripped it's base and set it on the table.

"Are you okay, Finland?" Greece asked.

"It's just, Mr. Sweden is really scary and I don't want to loose my job. " he said.

"Why would you loose your job?" I asked.

"I keep breaking things and spilling things. I don't think I am wanted here. It's so weird. But I have more fun than before when I was controlled. Strange." he said.

"Yeah." Japan said.

Sweden crept up behind Finland. He made a mad face and Finland slowly turned around. His face merged into a smile. Finland shrieked and jumped to face him.

"Eh, Sw-eden, s-s-sorry. I'll get back to work and stop chatting." he said and began to walk away.

Sweden grabbed his shoulder and grinned. "What? I just wanted to say I was giving you something for your hard work."

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