Chapter Eight

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-Germany's POV-

I watched them leave. It was all his fault. Italy left because Romano didn't listen to us. He took it to far.

As they disappeared, I slammed my fist into the wall. I knew he hated me but this was ridiculous. I was almost ready to share my feelings with her. I thought about what Germania had told me at my brother's house.

A tall blond man who looked everything like me except for his hair was mid-down to his back sat in a chair. He spoke in a rough voice. "Germany, listen." he said.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Years ago, I had found my grandson, Holy Rome. He was badly hurt and ready to dissolve. I took him to my house and healed most of him. Sadly, I had to change his name or he wouldn't stay healed. You are Holy Rome, Germany. You may remember your past little bits at a time now." he said. 

"You mean...she still will love me?" I asked.

"If she can remember who you really are. If not I'm afraid I don't know how to get her to love you again." he said.

" do I tell her?" I asked.

He closed his eyes and went to sleep. I sighed and left the house. I went back to my house to think of how to tell her. She invited me out the the beach so I went.

I felt my arm sting as I punched again. Maybe if she never fell she'd still be here. Maybe if Romano never came home and saw her or I wasn't near her. If only it never happened.

Maybe I could call her. But if Romano or Spain is there...then I can't risk it. But if Japan takes her out and then I meet them there. No, it wouldn't work.

My phone rang. Prussia again. I picked it up and answered. He screamed in my ear.

"Germany! This is so awesome! I need you to be my best man at the wedding. Hungary chose Italy to be her bride's maid. Anyway I need to get clothes for it because it's on Wednesday. Can you?" he asked. I sighed into the phone.

"Da. When do you want to go do it?" I asked.

"Now? The girls are dress shopping currently."

"Okay. I'll meet you there." I said.

We got to the store an hour before it closed. He picked out a deep blue tux. I finished helping him and left. Maybe I could get to Italy later.

About two hours after I got home I started to find her things around the house. I felt tears form a little when I had enough of looking around. I picked up the phone and decided I had enough of Romano. I dialed the number and waited for her to pick up.

"Hello?" her voice asked.

"Italy? If Romano is there tell him it's Japan and that she wants to go to Finland's. If he asks explain it to him. I'll call Japan and tell her why later." I said faintly.

"Uh...he is busy right now...with Spain." she said.

"Okay, well wanted to tell you something important. I just remembered. It has been bothering me for a while." I said.

She was quiet. "Um...Japan...I need to say something first." she said.

"Can you meet me at the Axis building?" I asked.

"Yeah. I'll go tell him and meet you there." she said.

"See you then, Italy."

"See you too."

She hung up and I put the phone down. I rushed to the Axis meeting hall. She came in minutes after me. She looked like she'd been crying.

"Italy?" I asked.

"Germany..." she said softly.

I looked at her. She had straightened all of her hair, except that one curl. She wore a silky pink dress. I thought she looked so pretty.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

She ran into my chest crying. "It's all my fault. I was jealous of Japan. This past week she talked about you. And you got all sad when she said she liked him. I made myself fall and got you close to me, I just wanted you to feel like you liked me. I didn't want Romano to take me away..." she said very fast.

"Italy..." I muttered. I was beyond upset.

"I'm so sorry...I think I...can't be around you though."

"I just wanted to tell you that I know what happened to Holy Rome." I whispered.

"What?" she said, acting like I saved her life.

"My grandfather saved him and turned him into..." I said, deciding if I should tell her.


"Mr. Germany." France yelled running in from the entrance.

"What?!" I yelled back.

"You..." she stuttered.

"Yes, him. Germany is Holy Rome, Holy Rome is Germany. " France said.

"Germany...I loved him. But I love you also." she mumbled.

"Italy?" I asked.

France walked out of the room.

"Please, come live in my house again. As my Italy." I said.

"Germany, I can't."

"You said you love me. You said you only wanted me."

"I did but..."

I ran out of the room. I couldn't control myself. Both parts of me wanted her to love. I didn't know what to do or how to feel.

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