Chapter 14 : Creeping

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The next morning I got up extra early so I could be in Cali by 9 to take Jolie to the parenting class. You coulda called me James Bond, with the way I was creeping from under Leighanne's arms when I was leaving her in the bed. I was lucky that both her and the twins were still sound asleep when I left the house.

I drove to Cali in complete silence, thinking over all the shit that was happening. It's been a while since I got time to meditate and plan for the future. I thought about the new baby, Jolie's baby, the bills, and my "job."

I was still slaying dope on the side and even though it was dangerous, it was the only way I could provide more than what my family needs. But sooner or later, I knew I had to use my bachelors degree in engineering, which I got when me and Leighanne were separated, to good use.

Once I showed up to Jolie's house, I called her on her cell phone and had to call her back around 6 times before she finally answered me.

"Hello?" She answered, with sleep in her voice.

"What you doing, Jolie? We suppose to be on our way to the parenting class. Stop playing and hurry up."

"Oh shit," She mumbled. "Give me 10 minutes."

I sighed loudly, looking at my watch. "Hurry up!"

I waited 20 minutes until Jolie finally strolled out the house, like she had all day. I impatiently beeped the horn as she approached the car slowly.

"Alright, alright, damn," She said, scrunching up her nose. "My bad."

I shook my head, putting the car in drive. "What took you so long?"

"I had to do my hair," She said, looking in the mirror at it. "How does it look?"

I shrugged. "Like it usually does."

She sucked her teeth, folding her arms and leaning back in the chair. I looked over at her in confusion.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing, Chris, lets just go."

I shrugged again, cutting into traffic to get to the studio.


"Another one? Oh my God!" My mom squealed once I told her the news. "Leighanne, you and Chris are spending way too much time in the house."

I laughed a little, watching the twins play with their Wii. "It wasn't planned, ma. I swear I have no clue when it even happened."

"Well, regardless, this baby is gonna be loved just like Mina and Miles. I'm happy for you two," She said, hugging me.

"Thanks, ma," I smiled, feeling my phone vibrate. I was hoping it was Chris since I hadn't heard from him all morning. But it was Ashley.


"Hey girl, wassup?" She answered, sounding a little excited.

"Nothing, just hanging with my babies and ma."

"Ooooh tell mommy I said hey sexy," She cooed. I rolled my eyes, laughing.

"Ma, Ashley said hey," I informed.

"Hey sexy!" She corrected.

"Ashley, is there a reason you called?"

"Oh yeah, I just wanted to be an instigator real quick and tell you what I saw."

I sighed. "What'd you see?"

"Well, it's really none of my business but because you my girl imma tell you anyway. But I seen Chris and ole girl from the bbq driving together on my way to work early this morning."

"Whaaat?" I damn near screamed.

"Yeah, Leigh. Ion know where they were going but I seen them in his car together."

I sighed, feeling my temper rise. "Alright, thanks, Ashley. Imma call his ass right now."

"Alright, babes, good luck," She said and I hung up, dialing Chris's number in a split second but it went straight to voicemail.

"Everything okay, Leighanne?" My mom asked, joining me in the kitchen again.

"Yeah, ma, everything's fine," I said, placing the phone down.

"Come look at your children play this thing. They're good enough to sign up for the Olympics by now."

I laughed, following her to the living room. I'll have to deal with Chris later.


"Shit," I whispered after busting into Jolie's mouth. It wasn't planned at all. I don't know how it happened either but all I remember is her giving me head once we got to her place and that I was feeling guiltier than a motherfucka.

She wiped her mouth and stood up, walking into her bathroom. I quickly got up and zipped up my jeans, looking for my car keys.

"Where you going, baby?" She asked, walking back in the room.

"Jolie don't start with that shit," I said, getting annoyed. "You know it's not like that."

"Oh but you wasn't saying that when you were nutting in my mouth now were you?" She said, getting in my face. I pushed her to the side.

"Move with all that. I keep telling you about that attitude problem you got going on."

"Fuck you, Chris. You ain't shit! Get the hell out!" She cried, throwing a high heel shoe at me. I ducked it and found my keys under the bed. Once I got it, I dipped as fast as I could as she chucked more shoes at me.

"You fucking crazy!" I yelled at her before driving off. I looked down at my phone that I left in the car to see 12 missed calls from Leighanne. I decided not to call her back and just wait to see her until I got home.

I pulled up to a dark house with Leighanne's car not in the driveway. I got out and went in, expecting no one to be home but was caught off guard when Leighanne popped out of the dark with folded arms.

"He-hey baby," I said, kissing her cheek.

"Where you been?" She asked, not changing her firm face.

"I was with Dallas, bae. I thought I told you," I lied, walking away toward the kitchen. "Wheres the twins?"

"Don't change the subject, Chris. Ashley said she saw with Jolie this morning," She followed behind me.

"She asked me to take her to a parenting class so I did," I said, heating up some food from last night.

"And that's all?" She asked, raising her eyebrows.

"Yes, bae," I said, pulling her in my arms. "Why else would I do anything with her. I love you."

"I feel like I have to compete with her for my own man," She said, placing her hands on my arms. "And I'm sick of it."

I kissed her lips. "There is no competition, Leigh. You gotta know that. I told you I ain't going nowhere."

She nodded, taking my food out of the microwave. "Come let me feed you, baby."

I smiled, following her to the living room. I laid on her lap as she fed me like I was a baby. We watched tv for a little, then after a while the tv was watching us. Afterwards, she laid up in my arms, fast asleep.

I knew it wrong of me to lie but I loved Leighanne and from this day on, I was gonna do better. This means, cutting Jolie off completely.

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