Chapter 16 : Enough is Enough

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I kept my head buried in my lap, nearly ready to knock out. Its been 3 days since Leigh fell asleep and I been getting nervous every second I was in this hospital. I was starting to feel like something bad was bound in happening.

"Alright, CJ, baby, we gotta go home," My mom said, rubbing my back. "It's 9."

I sighed, slowly getting up. I kissed Leighanne's cheek goodnight before following my mom to her car.

"You okay?" She asked, stopping in front of her door before getting in.

"Nah, ma, I'm losing it," I sighed. "I'm scared to death about Leigh."

"Baby, don't worry yourself too much about it," She assured, resting her hand on my cheek. "She'll be fine. Just worry about you and the twins for now."

I nodded. "You right. I just can't picture my life without her. I love her."

"I know, baby, we all do," She said, hopping in her car. "I'll see you tomorrow."

She drove off and I got in my own car to get the twins from Fizz and Amaya's. Once I got there, I saw that they were playing with Fizz and Amaya's baby.

"What's up yall?" I asked, walking in.

"Daddy, we helped Auntie Amaya take care of Alexia all day," Mina informed me.

I smiled a little. "That's good, baby. You being a big girl. But go get your stuff, we gotta go home and get you in bed."

"Okay," She nodded proudly prancing away again.

"So how's my sis?" Amaya asked, taking a seat in front of me.

"Still not awake but slowly coming along I guess. She been responding to the medicine."

"That's good," She nodded, wiping the drool off of Alexia's mouth. "How are you?"

"I'm cool but I'll be better once I know that Leigh is okay."

"Well you know Lele is strong, she'll pull through," She smiled.

"Yeah, that's true. Buts thanks for watching them. I owe you," I said, standing up.

"Yup, you do! But I'll let it slide since you going through a lot right now."

I pecked her cheek. "Thanks, My. I'll see you later."

Me and the twins got home and I gave them dinner, showered them and got them ready for bed. It was usually me and Leighanne's job but since she wasn't here, I had to do everything.

Once the twins were in bed, I started to clean up a little right when the doorbell rang. I opened it to see Jolie.

"What you want?" I asked, not excited at all to see her.

"I just came to check on you. I heard Leighanne was in the hospital," She said pretending to be sad. "Are you okay?"

"Yes! I'm fine. Why the fuck everyone keep asking me that?" I almost yelled in frustration.

"Chris, calm down! I was just asking you a question," She yelled back getting an attitude.

"Why you care? Wasn't you throwing fucking high heels at me almost a week ago?"

She took a deep breath, biting her tongue. "Can I come in?"

"Nah. I'm busy."

"Busy doing what?"

"None of your business, Jolie, damn," I sucked my teeth, getting annoyed.

"Please?" She frowned. I shook my head.

"It's best if you just leave. I already told you we can't fuck with each other like that anymore."

"You weren't saying that when-"

"You sucked my dick?" I finished, hearing it all before. "Look that was a mistake and it don't mean shit. You don't mean shit to me either. I love Leighanne and me and you never gonna have nothing. So go home."

I slammed the door in her face, taking a seat on the couch. It was weight lifter and I meant what I said. Jolie would never mean shit to me again.


"Ms. Siler? Ms. Siler? Do you hear me?" I heard a voice say. I swore I was dead and an angel was calling me. That is until I opened my eyes to see a nurse.

"Hmm?" I answered, unsure of how to speak.

She smiled. "You gave us a scare there, Leighanne. But it's great that you came back."

"Wh-what happened?" I asked, looking around.

"You were in a fire and fainted into a deep shock for 4 days. You need to you relax, Leighanne or else you and this baby are not gonna be good because of all this stress."

I patted my belly quickly. "Is my baby okay?"

"Yes it's fine," She assured. I sighed with relief, laying back. "But you have your first visitor already."

"Really who is it?" I asked, expecting to see Chris or my mom.

"A Miss Jolie Peters, your sister," The nurse said as Jolie walked in.

"Hey sis," Jolie smiled widely, walking closer after the nurse left.

"Jolie what are you doing here?" I asked, placing a hand on my stomach.

"I just came to talk to you," She said, pulling up a chair.


"Me and Chris..." She said, looking up at me. "I feel like I need to tell you the truth because he won't and it's wrong."

"What are you talking about?" I asked, ready to hear some bullshit.

"Me and Chris have been sneaking around on the low behind your back. We've been hanging out and having sex and going to parenting classes to raise our child together right," She admitted. "I'm sorry but he just wouldn't leave me alone, you know? I cut him off last night and the boy damn near went crazy."

"I don't believe you. That is not true," I crossed my arms. "I just recovered and you come in here with all this bullshit? Jolie please leave."

"Don't me believe me?" She chuckled, pulling out her phone and showing me pictures. "Here he is sleeping on my bed naked after we had sex."

I gasped, looking at the picture of Chris clear as day, sleeping on her bed naked.

"See?" She said showing me more. As she continued, Chris ran in.

"Leighanne! Baby, I'm so happy you awake-" He paused once he seen Jolie. "What the fuck you doing here?"

"Chris I am staying with my parents and I'm taking the twins with me until I find an apartment," I announced, folding my arms, pissed as fuck.

"What? Why-" He paused again looking as Jolie angrily. "You fucking hoe!"

He charged toward her, beginning to pull her hair and hit her. She started fighting back and soon the security guards came in, breaking them apart.

"She had to to know what a fucked up father and boyfriend you are!" Jolie yelled, crying.

"Fuck you!" Chris yelled back. "I bet your baby will know how big of a hoe their mother is as soon I get the chance to tell them."

"Alright, you two lets go," The guard said guiding them out.

"Leighanne, I love you! I'm sorry. Baby don't do this," Chris pleaded with tears as they took him out the room. I shook my head, letting tears slip down my face.

Enough was Enough.

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