Chapter 15 : Unresponsive

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"Chris," I mumbled with my still eyes closed as his phone vibrated off the nightstand. "Chris."

"Hmmm?" He mumbled in his sleep.

"Your phone keeps vibrating," I told him, starting to get annoyed by it.

"It'll stop," He said, going back to sleep. But it kept ringing and it was annoying the hell out of me. So I sat up and reached over to his side to grab it.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Who is this?" Jolie answered, with an attitude.

I rolled my eyes. "Leighanne. Why are you calling my man so early in the damn morning?"

"Your man? Well if he is your man then why-" Chris snatched the phone from me quickly and placed it to his ear.

"Jolie what the fuck you want?" He asked, looking at me and looking away quickly. "Nah fuck that, go by yourself. I'm not taking you no more."

He hung up and placed his phone back down, getting up. "She be trippin'."

"What did she say?" I asked, folding my arms. He was being a little too suspicious.

"Nothing. She probably acting up because of her hormones," He shrugged, walking into the bathroom. I got out of bed and followed him.

"Chris, don't lie to me," I said, standing in front of him as he tried to brush his teeth.

"Leigh, don't start, iight? She's just trying to get you mad and that's exactly what she's doing," He said, stripping naked and looking at me. "So you gonna stay mad or get in this shower with me?"

I rolled my eyes, walking back out the bathroom to check on my babies. I had no time for Chris.

"Morning, mommy," Mina said, rubbing her eyes and walking towards me. I picked her up, kissing her cheek.

"Good morning, my love. How did you sleep?" I asked, taking downstairs to where Miles was watching tv.

"Good," She said after I placed her down.

"What do you two wanna eat this morning?"

"Pancakes!" They said in unison, which was something they did often.

I nodded, making way into the kitchen and beginning to make pancakes, listening to the radio and dancing. A while after Chris came down and started playing with the twins.

"Leighanne," Chris said, walking in the kitchen. I ignored him, continuing to mix the pancake batter. He grabbed me by waist and I shook him off.

"Chris, stop," I mumbled, shaking free from him.

"Then say something to me," He said, placing his arms around my waist again.

"Something," I said, walking out of his trap again to get the milk from the fridge.

He sighed, coming at me again until his phone rang. "Hello?...Yeah...Iight I'll be there."

"Of course, run to ya hoe," I mumbled, rolling my eyes.

"If you gonna talk shit, at least say it louder," He said, walking in front of my face.

"Chris, move!" I pushed him back.

"Nah, you acting petty as fuck. If you got a problem then tell me what the hell it is and cut the bullshit."

"The problem is that every time I turn around, you're with her! And now you're being sneaky and I'm tired of being clueless. So tell me what's going on, so that we can just drop this already."

He sucked his teeth, turning around to walk away. "Nothing is going on, Leighanne, and if you can't trust me enough to believe that, then what's the point of me being here?"

I cocked my head back in shock. "Then how about you just go?"

He stormed out the kitchen, grabbing his car keys and sneakers on the way out. Then he left. I took a seat at the table, starting to cry, feeling myself become dizzy and weak.

"Mommy, mommy!" I heard Mina say, shaking me, but I couldn't move. I blanked out completely.


I sat in the Dallas's crib with Dallas and Fizz, smoking a blunt, high as a kite. I wasn't gonna lie, Leighanne was irking the hell outta me. I was tired of the arguing and the attitude. I just needed to surround myself with the guys for a little.

"Damn, this shit feels good," Dallas said, putting his head back after the high settled in. "Been a while since we got high."

"With the all shit going on, I ain't have the time to," I said, passing the blunt to Fizz.

"What with Jolie?" Dallas scoffed. "What that bitch do now?"

"She been bugging out and shit, calliing me hella early this morning. Leighanne picked up and she was about tell her that she gave me head," I said, shaking my head.

"She gave you what?" Fizz asked, nearly choking.

"It was only once and my mind wasn't in the right place at the time. But I still love Leighanne, believe that."

"Nigga, that don't mean shit," Dallas said, sitting up. "What I told you about that hoe? Now she gonna hold that against you and you never gonna get rid of her."

I sighed. "You think ion know that?"

"CJ, you needa get ya shit together if you tryna keep Leighanne. You know that she was doing just fine when you weren't there and she'll do fine if she decides to leave you," Fizz reminded. I sucked my teeth.

"Not with three kids," I mumbled, downing the Ciroc in my glass.

"Three?" They both said, in surprise.

"Leighanne's pregnant again."

"Oh damn, you need this more than me nigga," Dallas laughed, passing me back the blunt. I took it back and took a long pull, when I felt my cell phone ring in my pocket. "Hello?"

"CJ, come to the downtown hospital right now," I heard my mom say. I opened my eyes, sitting up.

"Ma, whats going on? Everything cool?" I asked, getting worried now.

"No, its Leighanne. Just come quickly!"

"Iight, I'm on my way." I got up in a heartbeat, jogging to the door to get my shoes.

"Whats going on, CJ?" Dallas asked as him and Fizz stood up.

"Leighanne is in the hospital," I said, slipping on my shoes as fast as I could. They followed me to the car and we sped off downtown.

It took me about 10 minutes to get there and find a parking. We all got out and rushed to the front desk.

"Excuse me, I need to know where my girlfriend is. Leighanne Siler," I said, out of out breath.

"Room 914 on the 8th floor," The lady said and we took the elevator upstairs, which seemed like it was ages. We finally found the room and saw Mina, Miles, my mom, and Leighanne's parents waiting around.

"Daddy!" Mina and Miles said, hugging my leg. I scooped them up and continued on.

"Hello Mr and Mrs. Siler," I said, hugging Nicole and giving Elite a brief hug. "Hey, ma."

I kissed my mom's cheek as Dallas and Fizz said their hellos too.

"What happened?" I finally got the chance to ask.

"There was a fire, Chris," My mom said. "Leighanne fainted while she was making pancakes and the twins couldn't get her up, so they called me. But by the time I came over, the kitchen was full of smoke and Leighanne wasn't moving."

I shook my head. "Is she okay?"

"She's still unresponsive and the doctors are trying to do their best to save her and the baby," She explained. I sighed, taking a seat and burying my head in my hands.

"Daddy, is mommy okay?" Mina asked, sticking her head under my hands. I pecked her cheek, hugging her.

"I don't know, baby," I said, resting my head on her neck. "I don't know."

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