The Inception of The Universe

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The origin of the Universe is the creation of everything, multiple scientific theories and religions around the world tried and still trying to explain its origin and existence.

The most widely accepted theory is THE BIG BANG THEORY. As per science, around 13.7 billion years ago a cloud,which we know as Nebula today,exploded violently and from this explosion or bang, Matter, Energy, Space and Time were created. At the time of its birth, Universe was a small entity, as time passed by it kept on expanding through different particles that started coming into the creation and started building different things, there are dozens of different stages involved which ultimately lead to everything else from galaxies to sun, number of planets to the moons, etc. It may sound like something that happened very rapidly but it took billions of years to become what we witness it to be now. THE BIG BANG THEORY and the creation of the entire UNIVERSE, involves a multiple levels of details, several stages which need equally lot of time to be explained.

Similar to the scientific theory, as per common ideologies of different religions worldwide right now each one has their own tale to tell about exactly how the planet and the beings living in it actually came into existence. These theories are widely accepted by followers of different religions. The most widely accepted theory is, the universe and all of it were formed in 7 days by a superpower that lives beyond the universe and is known in Human Language as GOD. The universe was created in 7 days might be a theory of scientists and geniuses of ancient times which just got religious stamp on it and started to get ignored in the scientific world. Humans see and consume everything as they sense it, which they can understand and always relate with their own opinions or discoveries, like, emotions, names, families, languages, stories for better understanding, etc.

When you think of a time period, you normally think of one cycle of daytime to nighttime. That is called a solar day. On Earth, a solar day is around 24 hours, On Mercury, day length is 1,408 hours, On Venus 5,832 hours and on Neptune 16 hours. As we all are aware that time works differently on earth than the universe, days can be months and months can be years or more on the universe. So, it might be possible time works even more differently outside the our galaxy or beyond the universe where some entity exists whom we call God.

Since we really have a very little ideas about the universe and the majority of theories proposed by scientists are assumptions of some extremely smart people with whom we all agree, we don't really have authentic proof regarding the majority of the theories regarding the universe or even about our planet. As per science we still don't have any widely accepted theory which can explain, the origin of that tiny singularity, how and when the Big bang took place and what really caused the big bang. In the same manner, religions have their own theories, which don't have authentic proof and similarly came from some smart people who are being followed by millions of people even after their death.

Majority of the religions widely accepted a common belief which says there is something beyond the universe, where an entity called God resides. It might be possible that the earth was created in seven days or even less in a time zone outside the universe, which for us might be equal to billions of years but according to that time zone that was merely a matter of a couple of days or hours or just a few seconds. So, when religion is saying 7 days, it might mean 7 days in that time zone, which if we convert into our time zone might be 13.7 billion years. Time is a human creation and theory too (Time: beginning to an end), so God (the name given to the someone who is beyond our universe) might not be bound with time, maybe something else which humans aren't aware of it.

Science doesn't have an authentic proof behind it but for religion theory, science discoveries are proof. According to science universe is larger than our imagination, might be infinite as we often assume it to be and proves different time zones in the universe, which religion is saying if we go beyond universe time might work in a different manner at that place.

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