The Confession

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A few weeks had passed since the visit from Crowley and of course, Aziraphale was still jealous of what Crowley had said weeks ago. Meanwhile, on the other side of town, a demon is in his flat, yelling at his plants as the plants quiver in fear.

"I thought we went over this already.." Crowley said in an angry, hissing tone "but I guess I have to repeat it again... GROW BETTER!!!" the demon watched as his plants quivered and coward in fear. He quit liked seeing his plants scared of him, it usually made him happy, but today was different.

Crowley sighed and sat down in his chair, he couldn't stop thinking about the angle. He was thinking of how he could tell or show Aziraphale how he really feels about him, but he couldn't think of anything, his mind was blank. When he tried to think of what he could say, all of it sounded horrible, and when he tried to think of how he could show how he felt, it was either too much, too PG, or too gross/lovey-dovey.

"Oh... what can I do.." Crowley took a deep breath and thought for a moment, he then all of a sudden got a great idea, he would tell Aziraphale the old fashioned way, it was a wonderful idea.

Crowley got up and headed for the door, "I'll be back later my plants, I'm going out.." then Crowley left his apartment and headed towards the store. Back at the bookshop, Aziraphale had actually gotten the same idea as Crowley did, so Aziraphale was on his way to the store, and after both the angle and the demon got what they needed they went back to there individual homes and they were both so excited.

"Aziraphale will surely love these flowers and this box of Crepe flavored chocolates," Crowley said excitedly.

"Hmm... I think that Crowley will love this bottle of wine from 1987 and this record of queen songs that he hasn't listened to yet.. I hope..." Aziraphale said excitedly and unsure at the same time.

They had made plans over the phone to go have a nice picnic in St. James Park, but little did they know that they both had a surprise for one another. once the clock had struck 9 O'clock both the demon and the angle were ready to go on their little date. Crowley got to the picnic spot first and noticed that Aziraphale hadn't arrived yet so he just sat down and waited for the angle to arrive. Back at the bookshop, Aziraphale was about to leave to go meet Crowley at the park but something went wrong.

Two people Aziraphale knew very well grabbed him and prevented the demon loving angle from leaving. "Just where do you think you're going??" one familiar voice said, it was Archangel Raphael, "I think he's trying to run off to his snake-like boyfriend in the dark sunglasses," said the other voice, it was Lucifer the demon of death and record files.

"..what d-do you want...?" Aziraphale was a bit scared and is failing badly at hiding it. "Oh, nothing... we just wanted to pay you a little visit before your little date in the park" Lucifer said with a grin on his face which was never a good thing. "Let's stop playing around already and cut to the chase already.." Raphael said with a bit of an angry growl in his voice. "Right..." after that little conversation Lucifer and Raphael got to work and started punishing Aziraphale for his crimes like Beelzebub and Archangel Gabrial told them to do.

Back at the park, a few hours had passed and Crowley was getting pretty upset, he was thinking of all the things that could have happened. Anything could have happened to the angle and Crowley was getting really worried.

"Where could he be, we were supposed to meet up here at nine o'clock and its been hours now.." Crowley sighed "I should probably go check on him at the book shop" Crowley gathered himself and calmed himself a bit before snapping his fingers, which made him appear in front of the doors to the bookshop and he walked inside.

"Angel? You here..?" Crowley said while looking around, all of a sudden he heard a muffled scream coming from above him which made him quickly look up to see the angle nailed to the ceiling by his clothes and his beautiful white wings that were bloody now. Crowley was shocked at what he saw, who would do this to his angle?

Crowley flew up to the angle and carefully took out each nail trying not to hurt him, once every nail was out Crowley gently set Aziraphale down on the ground gently.

"You alright..?" Crowley had a bit of concern in his voice, he was extremely worried about the angle that was soon to be his but he doesn't know it yet. "I'm.... I'm fine n-now that you are here.." it was clear that Aziraphale was in a lot of pain and was badly trying to hide it from Crowley but of course the demon isn't stupid at all and Aziraphale knew that for a fact but he tried to hide it from him anyway.

"Angle... I am so sorry if only I had been here to stop this from happening.." Crowley was so mad and upset about this and Aziraphale could sense that.

"Crowley.. It's not your fault..."

"Yes, it is... I should have been here, I should have sensed that you were in trouble like I usually do but I didn't, so you got hurt because I wasn't here to save you... I am so sorry Aziraphale."

Aziraphale sighed and smiled lovingly and warmly at the demon he loves so much "well, it is done and over with now, let's put it behind us and forget about it, you don't have to feel bad about anything Crowley because I'm alright now that you are here.." Aziraphale sounded as calm as he could be, Crowley didn't know or understand how Aziraphale could be this calm all the time, it was almost nerve-racking for the snake-like demon.

Crowley just smiled at his soon to be angle that he loved so very much "well, now that this is over with, I actually went to the store and bought you some stuff that I was going to give you at the park but that was a no go... But here, these are for you" Crowley said as he was handing the box of crepe flavored chocolates and the flowers to Aziraphale. Aziraphale didn't know what to say all he did was stare at the demon and blush a lot.

"I hope you like them.." Crowley couldn't help but blush a lot aswell.

"I um.." Aziraphale smiled "I love them, thank you dear, and I also got you some things from the store as well" Aziraphale handed the 1987 bottle of wine and the record full of queen songs "I truly hope that you enjoy these things.."

"Thanks Angle, I really do like them" Crowley smiled and sighed lovingly at the angle "and.. I actually kind of funny that we both bought presents for each other" Aziraphale couldn't help but smile and blush a bit more "but yet it's sweet at the same time"

"Yes, it rather is.." Crowley was so happy and he could tell that Aziraphale was really happy too. "Angle, I bought these presents for you so that I could tell you something.." Crowley was a blushing mess by now, his dark skin tone was now all red because of how much he was blushing. "What is it dear?" Aziraphale asked.

Crowley bit his bottom lip and took a deep breath before saying what he wanted to say "Angel, I wanted to tell you that.. Well I... l-l-love you Aziraphale" Crowley sounded so nervous and Aziraphale looked shocked at first but once he gathered himself the angle smiled and blushed more as he hugged his demon tightly "I love you too Crowley, I love you so very much and I always have" what Aziraphale said brought a really big smile to Crowley's face. "So.. does this mean that we are dating now? I'm not really sure how it works.." Crowley sounded clueless and of course, Aziraphale thought that was very cute "yes dear, we are dating now, we are officially a couple now"

"In that case.." Crowley kissed his angle on the lips softly and lovingly and of course, Aziraphale kissed his demon back just as soft and loving. Once they pulled away from the kiss they both smiled. The angle and the demon were now a couple and no one was gonna get in the way of their love for each other because their love was strong and powerful

The now angle and demon couple stayed with each other for the rest of the night that night as a happy loving couple.

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