You're not cheating, are you?

127 4 0

22nd January 1979


I walk around the 'Musical Theatre Bremen' which is the opening show of the tour which ends in 1980.
I've always wanted to visit Germany, well, saying that, I've always wanted to travel the world and being a dancer for the Jacksons gives me great pleasure in travelling the world.. and getting paid to do so. Life doesn't get much better than this.

"It's weird now having Jermaine here" Randy says into the microphone on stage as they are rehearsing.
"Nah it's actually quite good" Jackie says "I don't have him flirting with my girl all the time" Jackie added with laughter, the boys chuckle along with him. I stand out of view and watch them. Michael didn't join in laughing, he just stood there playing with his fingers looking sad. I frowned, he normally loves touring. He's normally happy.

"Why haven't you pooped the question yet, uncle Jackie?" Little Taj asked innocently, looking up at his uncle with wide eyes. Everyone started laughing, even Michael did.
Taj was stood there watching them laughing, having no idea what he's done wrong.
"What?" He asked cluelessly
"It's popped, Taj, not pooped. A poop is what you do on the toilet, son" Tito laughed.
"Oh," Taj swayed side to side innocently "sorry" he giggled childishly and ran to Michael. He sat on Michael's lap and started playing with the microphone in his hand. Michael absolutely adores children. And the children adore him, so it's a win win.

"Taj is right though," Marlon said bringing up the conversation again "you've been with her four years, why aren't you engaged or married" he wondered walking around the stage slowly, to waste some time.
Jackie shrugged "I love her, I really do.. but-"

"You're not cheating, are you?" Tito asked. I frowned at that question, what if he is? What if I'm not good enough for him and he wants someone better??
"You better not be," Michael warned, I kind of widened my eyes at that "what's it to do with you, you shmuck?" Jackie cut Michael off "she hates you" he said blandly

"Why haven't you two sorted it out anyways?" Marlon asked confused. Michael shrugged softly "Jackie is right, she hates me. I don't blame her. I was so rude to her when I first met her, I don't think she's the forgiving type"
Jackie laughed and shook his head "no, no she's not"

"Make it up to her mike, take her on a date" Randy teased with his eyes on Jackie.
Jackie snapped his head towards randy "why would you even suggest that you idiot?! She's mine, no one else's!"
"Not even mi-"

"NO!" Jackie yelled slightly. I decided to walk in on them
"Hey hot mamma" Jackie smirked seeing me walk up, I smiled at him rolling my eyes playfully making him bite his lip at me
"Sammmm!!" Taj ran at me after he jumped off of Michael's lap.
"Baby boyyy" I cooed opening my arms, he ran into them and I closed my arms around his small body. I picked him up and cuddled him "are you having a good time so far baby boy?" I question softly, looking into his brown eyes.. he looks like Tito so much!!
"Yeah!!" He says excitedly "I am now I've seen you!" He added
My heart melted at that "awww you're adorable, I love you so much"

"Hey Jack..." Tito called out, he obviously meant 'Jackie' "my son has captured your girl's heart, you don't have to worry about Randy doing it, your nephew has" he laughed making me laugh
"Randy?" I asked joining in the conversation
"Yeah.." Tito nodded "Randy here, thinks you're sexy"
I blushed and looked down, I put Taj on the floor to do what he wants "thanks" i smiled over at Randy "but I'm in love with Jackie here"

"I gathered" Randy rolled his eyes playfully making me smile.
Jackie wrapped his arms around me and kissed my lips softly
"Are married now?" Taj asked innocently.
Trust children to make everything so awkward!!
"Shut up son, go find Tj and Taryll" Tito ordered softly, Taj looked up at him and sighed "Tj is boring though!!" Taj protested

"What do you expect?" Michael laughed "he's only 6 months old bless him. Go see if he's alright" Michael ordered softly.
Once he did, taj nodded at Michael's command and ran off backstage.

"Are you excited for tonight?" Jackie asked me
I nodded slowly "I'm a bit nervous though" I sigh looking up at him. He tightens his grip around me and kisses my lips softly "don't be worried, you'll smash it" he smiled widely making me blush. He's so handsome.

Backstage in the dining room, where all the catering is.. so the food and drink, I make my way to sit down on the sofa.. the only spare seat. But Taj runs up and sits next to Jackie and Marlon. I laugh shaking my head.
Well it wasn't the only spare seat, there's still one near Michael. But I don't really wanna sit on that.
Joe whistled "yo, Sam, there's a seat near big nose"

Michael rolled his eyes getting up and heading towards the door.
"Boy, where are you going??" Joe snapped. Michael turned around and looked at him "for some fresh air, I feel trapped in here-" he said then mumbled "literally"
I think I was the only one who caught onto his last comment.

I feel so sorry for Michael, even though I do slightly hate him after what he said to me. He's been through much worse, so he probably didn't mean it. He gets verbally and physically abused.. hit so much physically abused anymore as he's getting older and Joe doesn't really have the effort anymore. But he stills gets verbally abused, he's always called 'big nose' or joe makes nasty comments like 'you aren't my son, your nose is too big' or 'you're not the right colour to be mine'

Like those comments are totally irrelevant!! Makes me so angry, I love Joseph. I adore him, he's a great guy- he can be a great guy. But he's so violent, and he scares me at times. Even though I know he'd never hurt me.

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