Chapter 10

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"Kill him you idiot he's right there! Get him." Jason screamed at his TV, "for gods sake guys do I have to do everything for this team?"

"Jason. Seriously?" I whispered, "what time is it?"

"What? Oh it's 2am. You fell asleep earlier so I decided to play some COD." He replied.

"Right well I'm awake now because of your shouting so get off that game and come cuddle with me." I demanded. He refused so I just sighed and tried to sleep with him shouting.
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Jason's pov
I know I just upset her but I couldn't just leave the game. I'd been playing for an hour now and my team needs me. But so does Tori. She looked so angry with me when I woke her up. I felt so bad.

"Right guys that's me done" I called I could hear my team complaining as I turned off the game and climbed into my bed next to the girl of my dreams. I gently kissed her forehead and her eyes opened. A smile formed on both our faces as we each leaned in for a kiss. I depend the kiss by rolling on top of her.

"Damn you look good on a night in my T-shirt. However I'm sure you'd look even better with out that on you." I began lifting the T-shirt she was wearing but she stopped me.

"No Jason. Stop. Please." She sounded upset and like she really wanted me to stop so I did. I laid next to her and cuddled with her until we both fell asleep.
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"Guys wake up!" Jen screamed, "WAKE THE FUCK UP YOU TWO!" And with that I jolted awake.

"What Jen? Can't you see we're sleeping?" I asked sleepily.

"Yes I can see that you're sleeping. In the same bed may I add. Cuddling. An hour before mum and dad get home." She replied whilst picking things up off of my floor, "you know. I don't know what's going here and right now I don't want to know. But if mum and dad find a girl in your bed Jason. How will they react?"

"FINE!" I screamed, "I'm getting up and going to the sofa where I can continue sleeping. Tori can go back to sleep in my bed." I began to climb out of bed when my arm was grabbed. I looked behind me to see Tori holding my arm. She looked so cute sleeping and holding on to me. Before I knew it her arm sprung back to her body and she started moving around rapidly.

Jen tried to wake her up but nothing worked. Then Tori started talking in her sleep.
"My fault." She repeated almost 5 times.
"It's all my fault they're dead. I killed them all. Me. Yes dad I'm a killer well done!" Her body stopped moving and her eyes opened faster than Usain Bolt running.

"Why are you two looking at me like that?"

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