Chapter 13

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Tori's pov        Might be a long one

It's been a few weeks since I started staying at Jen's. I'd have to go home every now and again to get some things and if dad was in he'd keep telling me how I'm "slowly killing innocent people". I'm dreading the day I tell him Jason and I are together- no I haven't told him yet. I just can't do it. When I go home all I want to do is run upstairs, grab a few more clothes and things and then get out of that house.
The less contact made with him the better.

School started again and I actually spoke to a few more people. Mainly Jen's friends but still, people.
"So who's up for the cinema tonight then?" Zachery asked. Zachery was like the hottest guy in the school. All the girls wanted him and all the guys wanted to be him. However, the girls couldn't have him because...

"Defo me babe." Harry grinned as he planted a kiss on his boyfriends cheek. Yep. You guessed it. Zachery is gay. The rest of the day went by like every other day. Jen met me after school to take me back to hers but whilst we were in the car she got a call from Jason. The call came through her car speaker and she told me not to let him know I was sat with her.

"Hey bro." She spoke as she answered the phone. Jason spoke but his words sounded slurred and unclear, "Jason what did you say?"

"I said. Get me some beer on your way home please sis." Jason screamed down the phone.

"Jason. We've got beer at home remember. Like a full crate or maybe even more." Jen replied in a calm tone.

"Yeah well not anymore. That's gone now and I need more." The clearly drunken boy replied. Eventually Jason hung up on the call and Jen explained something to me.

"Jason's got a few issues. He's got a drinking problem and sometimes when things are really bad... he turns to drugs. But it's been a few months since he's touched drugs. It's usually just drink now. That's why he doesn't come downstairs at parties much. So he can't get pressured into drinking loads. The reason I take drinks up for him is so that I can monitor how much he drinks." Jen explained as she drove home, "he plays video games- as you know, to take his mind off having a drink and he's in a band with his mates which he hasn't been to in a while because they're 'taking a break' as he says." She continued at a red light. She couldn't get him any as she was too young and even if she was old enough she wouldn't buy him any.

We made it to Jen's house and as soon as we entered the door Jason ran down the stairs asking for his drinks. Jen explained that she couldn't get any and let's just say Jason was not happy. I've never seen him like this. The only time I've ever seen him drunk was the time he hit the guy at that party. I've never seen him begging for alcohol. Jen went upstairs to get ready for the cinema and I stayed downstairs to try and calm down my angry boyfriend.
It didn't go very well. He was raiding the cupboards in every room of the house trying to find a drink. He wouldn't listen to me at all. I tried to tell him to stop but he refused. In fact he didn't even speak to me. It's as if he'd forgotten I was his girlfriend.
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Jen finally came down in a new outfit and told me to go up and change whilst she stayed with Jason. I did as I was told and went upstairs. As soon as I walked into Jason's room and fell onto the bed and started to cry. I was loosing him. It had only been a few weeks but I was loosing him. I found one of his white T-shirt's on the floor and decided to put that on with a pair of black ripped jeans and trainers before heading downstairs still crying kind of.

Jason was sat on the sofa with his head in his hands and a glass of water by his feet. Jen appeared from the kitchen telling me that we had to set off soon. I nodded and wiped away the stray tears from my eyes before going to it next to Jason. My arms twisted around his waist making him jump. Once he realised it was me he relaxed and put his arms around my neck pulling me closer to him.

Eventually I had to leave. I didn't want to leave him but I didn't want to let my friends down either. He told me he'd be okay and that when I got home he'd make it up to me. I didn't like leaving him but Jen practically pushed me out of her house and into the car.

We pulled up at the cinema and before I switched off my phone I sent a message to Jason
To: baby boy ❤️
Just got the the cinema. Turning phone off. I'll text you later. Love you baby ❤️❤️

We walked into the cinema and each switched off our phones. The film began but all I could think about was my boyfriend.

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