
41 3 1

nitpicking needles on my skin
faucets left open
water keeps tumbling from my eyes

my body's broken
from inside

error 404 brain malfunction
the mirror showed me my reflection
can't you see how much i lack?

my body's broken
and its starting to crack

but no, we don't have time for that
just cover it up with paint
perhaps some glue or sticky tape
plaster a smile that reaches my eyes
maybe that will keep me alive

day 512
im already bursting at the seams
can't wait for this day to end

my body's broken
and there's not much i can mend

week 204
i don't even know if that makes sense
what's the use in trying to count?

my body's broken
soon to give out

but, no we don't have time for that
this world's fast paced
if you keep on standing on one spot
the earth will keep spinning
and you'll be thrown off

my body's broken

my body's broken

my body's broken


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