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Juan's P. O. V
I was sitting in the back of the class with my headphones in, and I was getting antsy. She hasn't shown up and she is usually here by now. I am about to get up when I see her walk in, she has her hair in her face and she is slightly limping. I frown deeply at this because the most serious injury she has had was bruises from getting hit with a ball she wasn't quick enough to catch. (She plays softball.) and even then those weren't bad.
However she got this, I was going to find out and make the person pay. No one hurts my Pumpkin like that. She makes it over to her seat, no pain showing, which means that her pain receptor is really high, or she is just used to it. Both of which are bad, but she was very good at hiding it if she did feel it.
"Hey Sofia, what's up?" I ask, trying to have a normal conversation, that way it don't seem like Im nosy.
"Oh, hey blue. I just came from P.E, I wish it just didn't exist," she said and sighed heavily. I chuckled at this because she's so cute when she's upset.
"It's not funny blue, I got hurt," she said and pointed to arm. A bruise was forming, but it was tiny. I gave her the, are you kidding me look. She just laughed and smiled.
"You've got to be kidding me, that's nothing. Why are you limping though?, did you hurt it while running?" I ask, trying to make it seem normal. Her brown eyes immediately darkened and her smile vanished.
"Oh ya, I hit it really hard on the base when I was sliding,"she said, which was a lie. I've seen her do this multiple times, and she is very good at it. Her acting is amazing considering she is so young, which is bad because that means she has secrets.
And secrets are dangerous. She turned around and went on like nothing happened. She covers up quite nicely if I do say so myself, I do the same thing. I slip her a note in her backpack when she isn't looking, that way she wouldn't suspect anything.
Later on that day, I see her talking to Sam. He had his arms trapping her against the wall and she looked upset. She was glaring at him and he was just standing there with that smug smile on his stupid face, I wanted to go over there and smack it right off him. Then, pumpkin did something that shocked me. She spit in his face and while he tried to wipe it off, she kicked him in his groin, then smacked him hard across the face. She grabbed him by his collar of his shirt and said the most beautiful sentence I have ever heard her say,
"Don't you ever fucking do that to me again, or I swear I will hurt you so bad, you wished you were dead. Then, I would humiliate you that you wish you never existed," and with a last slap, leaving cute little red hand prints on his face, she left. I think I am officially in love, that was so hot, and I don't even know why.
I waited until she turned the corner to go after her, as I walked past Sam I snorted. I saw her sitting at the spot I said I was gonna meet her at, it was a big oak tree in the back of the school that was far from view.
"Hey pumpkin, what's up?" I ask as I sit by her. I have to sit a little bit far, because I don't know if I would be able to control myself otherwise.
"Um nothing, what did you want to talk bout?" She asked tilting her head to the side.
"I just wanted to get to know you better. You are so nice to me, and I really need a friend besides the librarian," I say quickly. She giggles at the last part and puts her hand out.
"Sure thing buddy, wanna be my friend?" Her face scrunches up in the middle and I laugh while shaking her hand. It is so tiny compared to mine, and so soft. Like a blanket of snow against a rocky cliff. She had no idea what she was getting into.
"Yes, forever and always," I said and she blushed a deep red.
"Let's start with the basics then. Favorite color, food. Birthday, age, pets," she said while counting on her fingers, listing them.
"Favorite color has to be brown, then hamburgers. My birthday is June 1, 2003, I'm 16, and I have a dog named Bubba. From Forest Gump," I say and look at her expectedly.
"Well, that's very nice, but I would have to disagree with some of that," she said very seriously.
"Favorite color has to be blue, and I like hamburgers too! My birthday is July 24, 2005, and I am 14. I have a cat named Garfield, because he literally looks like Garfield, it's kinda sad actually,"
"Wait, let me get this straight, you can drive?" She asks excitedly.
"Yes, why?"
"No reason, just asking" 
"Look Sophia, I'm not gonna drop it so just tell me. Why are you limping? And don't say sliding, you are amazing at it and even that wouldn't hurt you that bad," I say and scoot closer. Making sure she knows I'm not joking.
"I fell okay, my step dad tripped me and I fell and then slammed into the wall. Then I had to walk to school, and that messed it up bad. But I'm fine, it doesn't even hurt," her voice sounding so calm, like she was bored telling me about it.
I knew it, her not feeling the pain is what worries me the most. She could have a serious injury and not even know it.
"Why did he trip you?"
"It was an accident"
"Lie," I say calmly. I look her dead in the eyes but she looks down, hiding behind her hair.
"Look at me pumpkin, why did he trip you?!" I ask with intensity.
"I said it was an accident. I wasn't looking where I was going," and she finally looked up.
"Listen, blue, you don't need to know everything about me. Some things are left better alone. I've got to go, but I'll see you tomorrow," and with that she walked away.
I might of hit a little to strong the first time, but what matters is I have some information. I need to save her from her step dad, and I just needed her to myself. To make sure no one hurts my Pumpkin anymore.
Hey munchkins! As you know, yes it's Tom Holland, man I just love him! He does such a good job with spider man. Wanted to say thank you Lolitstanya for making my cover, I love you💙. Thank you all for your reads and supporting me. I love you all💙💙😘

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